
Why does Ed Sheeran have elf ears?

I was in Sicily recently, sardines, just wow!

(and lots more of course...)

As a former Aussie resident, people there are likely more interested in Packer than Carey, FYI - and not in a positive way!


Oysters, half shell, on a broiling pan, thin slices of bacon, drizzle in Worcestershire, slide under grill / broiler on medium heat, until the oyster JUST starts to show its skin getting hard, out and eat off the half shell - Oysters Kilpatrick, the simple version...

(I used to live in Brooklyn, NSW, just north of

Also used for fermenting, much like the Japanse originally stored fish in the winter wrapped in rice - and the rice was not generally eaten.

His only friends are the small army of lawyers on his payroll.

Ryan Air, the ultimate purveyor of these sort of shennaigans


I mean, I feel for the bloke, but...

Grab the Nautilus Compact, no need for a relay, etc

Air horn is now $39!

I live close by in Eldorado Springs, CO... and I have a photo of his mother climbing on to my balcony at 3am in search of god knows what... well, I am assuming it is his mother!

As someone who has flown in a few different places around the world:

• Americans SAY they want more leg room, better treatment, better in flight service, loving whinging about how bad it is, etc, etc - BUT...

Benedict seems cool with it all...

‘People’ find much security in simplicity...

The 1st edition of the Illiad?

(yes, I know it is oral primarily)

Just add bacon - the gateway drug for vegetarians - and you will realise that immediate gratification is the MOST important!

which recounts the womens’ vivid love affair.

We need Saga and Martin on the case!

Any thoughts on whether she was targeted for her race, strength and because she had met the Pres?
(that is, not just a random tweaker (or whatever) burglary...)