
I agreed with you 100% a few months ago. Then I got rid of all of my consoles/PC (minus PS3 for blu-ray) as I found myself spending most of my gaming time on my iPhone.

I'm not sure I get the satire, but I laughed at this.

You know what this reminds me of? Have any of you ever been on a museum tour and they tried to sell you some shitty ass "voice guide"? It's like a wand that you put next to your ear and push the number key that correlates to the exhibit.

Something tells me the publishers give the game 'file' at a set low cost and Sony jacks up the price.

I don't get it. Why is Sony's digital distribution strategy to price retail games 2x higher than their brick-and-mortar counterparts? Aren't we supposed to see a cost savings from digital distribution?

Undoubtedly. That's when I'll buy one as well.

This company will definitely be acquired. It's too good of a concept and other companies have the capital to make it better. I would be thrilled if Steam bought this!

I don't mean this to sound disrespectful at all, but cloud gaming is big.

They issued fixed games (physical copies) when a similar issue happened with Twilight Princess.

Zanarkand. I'm sorry, I can't read the title without needing a reference to Final Fantasy.

It's even worse when you find two gold rupees. In a row. Bag full at 1200.

It took me awhile to get the sarcasm. Slow day is slow.

I would love to play Persona 4, but I just don't have the time. I'll take the time, however, to replay a great a classic.

Here's whether or not this matters:

No, I think they added a second stick on additional hardware because of an engineering faux pas.

I wouldn't say he's trolling, but his post could have been written with more emphasis on an opinion. However, with the release of a second analog stick, I am in absolute agreement that there will inevitably be a revision, sooner rather than later.

Correction: Title needs to read, "Up-Close with the Sexiest 3DS There ever will be". You can't beat this.

Bingo, bango, bongo. You're spot on. Unless anything written about the real Peter was intended to damage his reputation (see, libel), there is little that can control this issue legally. On the other hand, Twitter, herein named as "Honey Badger", can do as they please.