
Man, that's a LOT of money to just throw away when these games bomb. I'm not saying any of those that died pre-launch or in beta weren't good ideas, I just think these companies should plan a tad better to accommodate the market, as opposed to just releasing titles that carry big names outside of the video game space.

Rat, you really can't build something like this. You can find (much fatter) HTPC cases for mITX motherboards that keep the rectangular form factor, but it look like this Steam box is unique (other than the Alienware X51).

It's essentially why I called out the Alienware X-51. I would LOVE to have a mITX case that's well built with a riser-based solution. However, I've yet to see one, even to the point of wondering how I could get my hands on just the X-51 case.

New(ish) mITX motherboards can come with fancy VRM's and various power regulators to allow some extra headroom for overclocking. In my previous 2013 build, I ran a 3770 overclocked to 4.3-4.5, but only for the sole fact that I am super-duper anal about noise (if it makes any, I have issues). If your system is

Yes. I've been a long-standing member of, where I'd recommend taking a look if you're planning on building a mITX system. You'll take cues from everyone, which will likely give you what you need to start your own. Everyone's is [mostly] different.

It's not hater-bait. This post is incredibly irrelevant to an unboxing video.

Step away from the OS for a second. You there? Good, we can start.


I remember playing Mario is Missing! on the old Mac computers in our classroom. For some reason, I could never leave the first level (I think it was Italy)? We would all try for hours to get out of that city, but no matter what we did, it wouldn't work. There were no such thing as "patches" or "restarting the

What audience are they trying to capture not only with that hideous beast of a machine, but the crappy games that require/use that horrid attachment?


It'll first be born, go to battery school, get married, spawn Ni-Cd children, grow old, and die.

That's the first laptop I've seen without a keyboard.

I love that meme, lol.

Here's to hoping the new cover art comes with an IGN logo in HD.

Why do I always forget to pause/stop iTunes before watching YouTube videos? Every time I watch a movie/song I create my own crazy ass mashup with whatever is playing, think it sounds like shit, and then realize I'm playing something else.

I kinda feel bad you took the time to look. Shinji was trolling for sure.

Anything regarding WoW release 'leaks' at this point would have to be controlled. They need to do anything/everything they can to keep up their subscriber base for the time being until they can launch their next MMO project. This picture doesn't surprise me in the slightest.

They're not making any money off of FFXIV. They need to somehow.

Nevermind. I think you're referring to Owen. Be prepped for the #cornfield.