
So I know nothing about this account; this is an absolute first for me. Knowing though that this was a joke, the 'tweet' that you've posted above, Mark, has had me rolling in laughter for like half an hour. It's terrible - I take no account for finding that funny if it had been remotely true, but the satire is

That was absolutely perfect.

My comment has spurred much hate. Ashamed, I am.

Holy shit.

I'm not sure where you got that information. Apple holds the majority of smartphone profits, which includes app purchases.


I'm not sure if that is a joke, but oddly enough Halo was originally going to be a Mac exclusive.

I just want to hear this song...

I think the fact that the 360 will almost have had a 7-year life is fantastic. You know, I bet you anything the next Xbox will function entirely around the Kinect functionality, which only leaves Sony to build a console that caters to the couch potatoes in 20XX.

It's bad. I miss Kotaku 08'.

Oh man, me either. X HD is going to be awesome (+HD).

I know what's going to happen!

New Game: Sonic Conception

Occupy WoW!

I wonder if any additional races will be available with the expansions available on the GOTY edition? I know it hasn't happened in the past, but I wonder still.

I'm fairly certain that's the same outfit worn by Edward Scissorhands.

I thought it took them like two weeks? My bad if wrong.

At least we have been notified quickly.

The Binary Trail

Even though I wound up in grad school for engineering, I was still always interested in computer science. My interest was kept not by the prospect of a video game, but rather it was kept by the unbelievably dorky conversations about how we were going to change the old diarrhea color of the Asus motherboards before 1st