It's interesting you mention that. I'm obsessed with checking on the status of FFT for the iPhone. I can't think of ever doing that with the 3DS.
It's interesting you mention that. I'm obsessed with checking on the status of FFT for the iPhone. I can't think of ever doing that with the 3DS.
I'm going to get crap for this, but please take this solely as an opinion.
I guess I just assumed they would quickly re-do the game. Like a SH: Homecoming with the PS1 story.
So Silent Hill 1 is not seeing a re-release in HD?
Thank you!
This is really great! Can you tell us where you got the font?
No. The game is yours no matter what; you do not pay the difference later. The free games, however, go away when the subscription ends.
What's this!? I sarcastically bashed the 3DS over 20 minutes ago and no one tries to flame? Is the 3DS really that bad?
Now let them can the 3DS!
I'm fairly certain I've seen him on Jersey Shore...
It was bound to happen at one time or another, folks. The same backlash would occur if this lasted until 2020.
If you want to know if a game is good or bad, play it yourself. You'd be amazed that humans have different opinions than one another.
Reviewers are hesitant about publishing games with bad scores, specifically with AAA titles, after some incidents where other publications rated top titles with poor scores and received public feedback that hit the reviewers' weak spots for massive damage. It for some reason makes them look bad for having an opinion…
The Lion King for the SNES and Game Gear were the shit.
If you're wanting to pay by check, why not just use debit?
lol, gross.
KOS-MOS' "real" name is "jinglebooboo".