@Manly McBeeferton: Didn't DirecTV or Dish cancel G4 from the lineup essentially for showing nothing but Cops and everyone hating it? I thought I read that somewhere, but I could be totally wrong.
@Manly McBeeferton: Didn't DirecTV or Dish cancel G4 from the lineup essentially for showing nothing but Cops and everyone hating it? I thought I read that somewhere, but I could be totally wrong.
@truthtellah: I wasn't desperate enough to go to Blockbuster.
@Karmakazi: It's one of my favorite movies of all time.
@Tacticity: On YouTube? Probably not. Well, that being it probably wasn't illegal for you to view it, but rather was illegal for the user to post it.
@Karmakazi: I'm one of those anal types that won't do that. I know, I know.
@AlphaJarmel: I rarely will turn a movie off, just so I can officially say I've seen it. Man, I really wanted to turn Superbad the fuck off.
Quick rant:
@thelordmeatball: Just watch out. Don't piss off the wife.
@Mad-Hobo: Alright, I laughed.
@thelordmeatball: Same.
@Gabriella Creighton: You're right. It's not. The original post is referencing the overall direction of the company, not this very instant.
@ShinGetterPoPo: With a library of over 1700 games, there are likely some people haven't played yet (that are probably amazing). Now, you can pick up a PS2 for cheap, and a used/new classic game for cheap, and voila! Gaming on pennies! No need for new titles.
@Gabriella Creighton: Yes. Proper innovation would raise stock prices, and keep any creditors happy. A lack of doing anything would put SquareEnix close to the line of falling out, but Japanese bankruptcy laws are fairly forgiving, and SE will have a chance to restructure and still operate. It's similar to Chapter 11…
@Gabriella Creighton: Keep in mind they are not paying a monthly fee right now. If that were the case, I wouldn't have put the point up. I think they could do a coupon or discount for another title, similar to what happened with APB. Sure it will piss people off, but it's better that than the company going belly up.
@Gabriella Creighton: E is based off B's failure.
@Arsenic13: It's considered a thing of beauty; it's a genetic trait. Also, I would guarantee that an orthodontist in Japan would not be cheap.
@Heckle: Whenever you find it, don't add it to the garage sale lot. Put it online.
#5 is a boy in the Pac Man scan. I'm calling it.