@PossibleCabbage: That crap pops up on eBay all the time. If you can find the Mario/Zelda combo sheets in good condition, you can make some dough.
@PossibleCabbage: That crap pops up on eBay all the time. If you can find the Mario/Zelda combo sheets in good condition, you can make some dough.
@wild7s: I meant more of the format than the console; I can't explain it any different. 360 owners aren't the stereotype JRPG players (if you can add a stereotype). PS2 owners were/are, and the PS3 should have been the JRPG king in the states. Neither one of them, however, really offer that many titles.
@Fenrar: Mine's skinnier!
@flamin_sheep: THIS
@ShimodaNexus: I know, right? I have all the 360 JRPG's, but I always wondered why they released them at all instead of going straight to PS3.
@cedrac18: I wonder how Vesperia did on the 360. That console definitely does not cater to the JRPG audience (not like the PS3 does either).
@Monkeyman767: I just wanted to make a joke :(
And all three people who kept the servers running high-fived each other with the Spock sign.
@rolsenrob: Yes, but after the original Crysis not being able to max the game out at recommended, I imagine they would do the same.
@doyleman7: Metro 2033 did at the time.
@rolsenrob: I was thinking they would put system specs like they did for Metro 2033.
Just guessing on the recommended specs:
@HYRUL3: Your guess is as good as mine, lol.
Look, I'm all about virtual. Steam has changed my perspective on how unnecessary a pretty physical library looks, and I'm currently playing Crimson Gem Saga on my PSPGo. However, if I'm going to fork over the kind of money for a collector's edition (which I normally don't), it damn well better the best physical piece…
@rubsnick: It has June placeholders. There's no way Nintendo would release the system with the launch lineup as is. They might as well launch it in June, so the attach rate is high. I'm not buying it for the damn camera, Nintendo! I want my Bolero of Fire!
I'm trying to get these two comments, but indeed I'm baffled.
@Wirbelwind: I can't enjoy something that won't be released :'(
@PoweredByHentai: Play it.
Fuck it. I've come to the conclusion that Xenogears is not coming to the US regardless of ESRB confirmation :(
@MathIsHard: I was in a similar situation, sans video games. Grad school goes by like a snap. I finished a two year industrial engineering masters in a year for financial reasons, and I was so busy with school that video games were the last thing on my mind. However, I made time to call my girlfriend (fiance at the…