
I'm still wondering if Kotick is using these statistics to further his idea that it would be a good thing to charge a subscription fee for CoD; essentially to make it an FPS MMO (for lack of a better term). In the time being, I'm going to be off logging 600 million hours on the classic turn-based RPG's I love so much.

@Nosada: You need a hug

@Cheese Addict: No, But I've feed YOUR girlfriend ice cream and accidentally gotten it all over her face.

This garbage is sick and twisted. Why are people into this shit? Why!?

@DaRealCaboose: I remember waiting 6 hours outside to simply pre-order the Wii. It's interesting to look back and realize I camped to buy something in the future. Man, we're all weirdos.

@temp005: It's totally "toasty". You're 100% correct.

@Jtown465: No. I'm referring to people who fantasize about cat people.

@Sprigint: Part of the issue is that no matter how often I play the game (either), I'm not good at all. I just feel better about losing all the time in the original as opposed to the second.

@Sprigint: I have it, I just think the original is better.

@AndrewRyan: Thank you. I now have a better understanding of this and have come to the conclusion that it is, in fact, weird as shit.

Well, now that I'm terrified to fall asleep, anyone up for some classic Starcraft action tonight?

I LOVED Final Fantasy XIII. It wasn't as good as it could have been for how long it was in development, but to me, it was awesome.

@Danza: I enjoyed both the original and FFT:Advance.

@Tate O'Malley: I understand that, it's just the whole coding-while-watching-sesame-street thing.

For the record, Final Fantasy XIII wasn't bad, it just wasn't good for how long it took to make it.

@Ricky Peitz: What has been seen cannot be unseen.

@MrPlush: No, it's pronounced, "Dee Bart, Dee".