
@Kaostick: What do you mean by, "roll protection"?

@laa97: I tried that. I was bumped to the bottom of the page immediately.

@BROntosaur: That's a great idea. Thank you. I'll keep this in mind when CC launches.

I apologize if this is not the place to post this, but I'm desperate at this point. I'm a brand new player to the world of WoW. I picked up the game+expansions (w/Cataclysm) during the Blizzard sale, and created a (now) level 20 Blood Elf Paladin. I'm really enjoying the game, I don't read the questlines too much, but

@kobeashi: It's all in jest. It was an easy way to make a pun on Cataclysm. Everyone who visits this site has no right to truly make fun of someone for playing a video game; you know that!

@Bluemoo: Please, go outside. I promise the real world is not as cataclysmic as one would think.

Inevitable translation.

@AlphaJarmel: So the three people that actually utilize 3D gaming can enjoy this?

Will this only be available in Korea?

Fuck you, Billy Mitchell.

@Evil_Cookies: The fact that they protested leads me to believe they've had many first tries. I just really want to know what the job market is like? What other places can you work? There has to be a better way to live for these people.

So they were threatened to be fired?

@styfle: It's probably because you haven't listened to their entire library. Songs like, "Happiness is a warm Gun", "Eleanor Rigby", and "Maxwell's Silver Hammer", can easily create a Beatles fan.

@m_coal: Hahahahahaha!