
@Deaf Mute: I'm just trying to think positive.

@teddybearreaper: I remember when I saw this, I laughed for the coincidence that created the "UR MR GAY", but then I felt bad for the graphic designer that accidentally did that. I bet you anything that was just as much as an office joke (regardless of country) as it was a joke to everyone else.

@wazzzup16: Yeah, that was the one that I saw a huge difference in, but as said previously, the majority look too similar for me to want to purchase them.

Do (most of) these titles look similar to everyone else as well? I see their differences, it's just that the majority of the games look like strategy replays of some of the others. Hmm...

@Piccoroz: Here where I'm going to get laughed at. I've never completed the Indiana Jones movies.

Lego: Indiana Jones is frustrating. I want to hear their voices.

@TinCAN12: Oh, no, no, don't get me wrong. I love TF2! I just was making fun of the fact I was terrible.

@BloodEden: While I don't know what it would feel like to be in your situation, I know exactly how games can be therapy.

@sereal: Lol, that's mainly what I play them on. On the [] server for TF2, I decided the other week to try out being a medic, since I was dying with every other class.

@reddogg: +1 for the Pareto principle.

@Pitchswitch: You are my hero. I'm the EXACT same way.

@The-Dayman: There's really no telling if there's 'really' a Mac market for gaming. It's all speculative. However, the fact that some newer games are being ported to Mac really makes me wonder.

@Railgun5: It's not about how many are/are not gamers, it's about market potential. I'm biased to avoid stereotyping in regards to Mac users (look at my avatar, lol), but I'll agree with one. You're more likely to play Peggle than Half-Life on a mac. "Gamers" is too vague of a category. If Steam digitally distributed

Before you answer the question in the title, you have to ask yourself, "what is the competition doing"? Direct2Drive is easily (North America's) direct competition with Steam, competing for the same marketshare in the digital distribution sector. D2D is not beating Steam by any means, but they frequently step on their

@Jonn: Alright, this made me laugh really, really, hard.

@XtaLarge: Holy crap. I never noticed that. I mean, I figured the "Other M" meant "Other Metroid", but I never realized it was referenced in the first title.

@Vescosein: Unfortunately, you're probably correct.

I'm thoroughly excited that it's going to release in June.