
@cat. bus. - Die bad robots! Die!: E3 is a love/hate kind of thing for me. On one hand, I love seeing all the new titles. On the other hand, I hate the fact that the titles won't come out for 1-2+ years.

Now playing

It's awesome to watch over, and over, and over, again.

I apologize for posting two pictures in this same thread, but I saw this and about died laughing. Apparently, Gawker Artists know that the last thing she saw was a weird fish with moobs (as courtesy of the banner to the left).

I'm convinced that Cosplayer is Kristen Stewart.

@Mad-Hobo: I guess it's something then I never noticed. Oh well.

I'm going to cry. Like, no joke. Grandia is, in my honest opinion, one of the greatest RPG's of all time. Justin, Feena, and the whole gang of characters really bring the game and story to life. Not a dull moment at all.

@deanbmmv: Steam needs to be multi-platform to stay competitive in the digital download market. Yes, they are one-upping Direct2Drive, but D2D offers Mac downloads, which is gaining a large player-base quickly. I will say that a Steam client is more likely (quickly) for Linux than it is Mac. Devs love Linux, Linux

@icepick314: While not too related to the topic, I'm glad you pointed this out.

@Shrewsbury: Speaking of more options, have you (or anyone) figured out how to get the mini-games list back up?

Here are some great things to check out with the new UI:

@Jack McCauley: It's not so much that they don't care, it's for the fact (as you stated) that they are loosing so much money. It's extremely expensive to initiate quality changes, and they have to do a significant cost-benefit assessment to decide whether it would be worth the money to "double check", or would it be

Hey, you on the Metal Gear game. I want my hat back. And I'll take those grimy glasses as well.

I really doubt Activision would lie about their patent status. The irony of this is that you have patent trolls suing companies at random for violating another patent, and now they are being sued for supposedly not having one to violate.

@vickissv3: That comment was ridiculous.

Regardless of whether he's truly sorry or not, people need to quit impeding on his personal life. I'm just as much against adultery as the next person, but I'm not against acknowledging he's an incredibly talented human being.

The other day I found a Wii Classic Controller Pro at a local game store in town. Trading in my Classic Controller, I joyfully left the store with another reason to turn on my Wii; the Wii which has stayed dormant for almost a year. My first thought when I plugged the controller was, "man, I've got to see how this

I want to talk about how awesome the Fresh Prince of Bel Air is. However, that would take up too much space, so here are the lyrics to the song (Long version):

@Luke Plunkett: Do you know yet if the framerate is officially locked? To break down the reasoning behind my questioning, I'm essentially trying figure out how this will play on my Macbook Pro, even though I won't know until later on. For the record, it's the 512MB 8600GT and I will be running Windows for this.