I know I’ve said this here somewhere before, but I’m convinced that Trump is Shia Labeouf in disguise performing another intense art piece.
I know I’ve said this here somewhere before, but I’m convinced that Trump is Shia Labeouf in disguise performing another intense art piece.
I agree, to an extent, with your thought that yea, you know, there was a certain level of reason for why hospital staff’s bullshit detector was going off. I think it was a terrible situation for everyone involved.
Take my stars!
Yea, that was a hoax. But let’s not tell Murray that.
Thank you. I was starting to think I was the only dissenter.
I think the responsibility to foster a healthy relationship between a parent and a new adult child absolutely falls on the parent. Perhaps not ENTIRELY, but keep in mind the kid in this situation is still developing the skills required to function perfectly in our polite society. It takes experience and time for an 18…
I essentially do the same thing eighth my mother and sister. Or father and sister. Or brother and sister. Let’s just say the “more than two and it’s you” saying applies here... anyway. I used to be the sympathetic ear to to both or all sides until I realised that’s it’s much easier to be blunt. Easier in the sense…