
Dear Gawker Media:

I would pay real, actual US dollars to see Roger Goodell walk into a room thinking he was going to get an on-camera handjob from a random ESPN idiot and have Diana sitting there instead.

Seeing “By Diana Moskovitz” in the byline when you’re involved has to be like seeing Chris Hansen asking you to “have a seat”.

This is so disappointing, yet unsurprising. I’m not a track athlete, but I’ve been involved with my sport at the elite youth, college, and national levels. I have yet to see a level of elite competition that is not hopelessly corrupt for exactly the same reasons that you lay out here. Once someone reaches a position

fuck fuck fuck fuck fukc fukc fuck fuck fuck fufkc fuck fuck fuck

Thank you for this. I don't know you, but know that I am proud of you.

I'm nine and a half years sober as of six days ago. I quit drinking when I was 25. A lot of people said the same things you just said here. "Questionable maturity" "Likes to party like normal people his age".

I don't think people are questioning if Manziel is an alcoholic because he's 20 and likes to drink. They are saying he might be, because of when and why he drinks. I understand how some people might not see a difference but there is one.

Some of those perpetually shitfaced 20-somethings you reference are alcoholics.