
You're thinking of "There's Something About Mary Jane".

I like to think that Peter Parker has to harvest all of his webbing from his ass to fill up his web-shooters. It's his morning ritual. Get up, brush his teeth, squeeze out a bunch of web-fluid for his shooters. . .

I liked "Amazing Spider-Man", mostly because it seemed to feel like it could take it's time and not pull out ALL the stops in the first movie. Unfortunately, they went to "overstuffed villain bloat" in record fucking time, it's usually the third movie that gets shitty, that series got there in two.

Bane was a great villain, but the movie itself suffered from the overstuffed, "more is more" nature of superhero sequels, which was weird since I'm pretty sure Nolan was allowed to do whatever the hell he wanted with TDKR. It really should've been two separate movies dealing with the fallout from the first two movies,

There are a not-insignificant number of people who can't be vaccinated, usually due to severe allergies or some other medical condition. Vaccines also largely lose their efficacy in immunocompromised people, like those who have had an organ transplant. However, if a high enough percentage of people are immunized

It can be two things.
Sorry, couldn't resist. But it's true. Sure, there's the objectified male power fantasy, but that often doubles as a sexual fantasy. I don't think there's anything wrong with that and, strictly speaking, I don't even think there's anything wrong with objectification in general, within reason

Regarding Thor, (and somewhat less, Captain America) I get a kick out of how they make sure to throw in a few shirtless glamour shots where they basically look like underwear models for a few lingering beats.
And yeah, a review saying that Gal Godot looks fantastic and super-hot as Wonder Woman would be fine. As long

" It perplexes me that there are men from my background and in my age range who cannot, for one second, turn off the male gaze."
I like that sentence, but I don't even think it's NECESSARY to "turn off" the male gaze, just be discreet and stop being under the impression that those nether-tinglings are an important

Clearer Cylon tensions would've helped, too. As I recall, it was pretty much "KILL ALL THE HUMANS" vs "Maybe don't kill ALL the humans." There are more than two sides to that coin, and the "find a way to reproduce" angle would've been a pretty good one to run with (it was "because love" but that's not exactly an easy

Yeah, Daniel was a HUGE wasted opportunity. You've got all of these dangling threads and unexplained stuff going on AND you've got a missing Cylon. Tie some of that shit together. Daniel left the other cylons years back when he saw the direction things were going and disappeared. You could build ANYTHING around where

See, I thought that aspect worked for the movie, though I could see how it's confusing, and there is a sketchy message regarding dad's child-rearing methods related to Autism. (No need for any of that wussy special-needs crap, you can beat your Autistic kid into shape!)
For Chris (Affleck's character) there's a

That's not what she's saying. She's saying that what is considered "objective" has been determined entirely by white dudes talking to other white dudes. That doesn't mean that objectivity doesn't exist, it's that it's entirely possible that all these white dudes are mistaking their shared subjective viewpoint as an

I love how that started life as an insane idea and is now on the menu all over the place.

Hell yeah.

For all the Benny Hill-style sexist jokes and objectification, it was a surprisingly progressive and thoughtful show. How many shows in the 80s had a MtF trans guest character that was treated as more than a punchline? (Dan's old buddy shows up and has transitioned into a woman.)

"The train company was awful nice about it. Didn't even charge her for the ride."

Those crossovers in time are weird. You think of Night Court as a pretty exclusively 80s show, so when you're reminded it overlapped with things heavily associated with the 90s it feels anachronistic. Like when they had a court case about a rivalry between TOS and TNG Trekkies.

Oh yeah, they had re-runs on Starz/Encore for a long while, I set my DVR to catch all of them and was kinda bummed when they stopped running.
Some are more memorable than others, but almost all have at least one or two gags that stick in your head permanently.

He was also the leader of the rainbow gay house rescuing kids from RuPaul's "pray the gay away" house in "But I'm a Cheerleader".

The Brent Spiner appearances were always amazing. This is just a great 3 1/2 minutes of comedy. The delivery and surprise of the line "stampede." is just hysterical.…