
I kinda loved the meta on top of meta joke of turning Bradley Cooper into Adam Scott for scheduling reasons . . . then sticking Adam Scott out-of-sight for 90% of the show because of the "damned blueprints that are LITERALLY kicking my ass".
Which, I just realized, was also a Parks & Rec shout-out.

He had curfew.

"Okay, got it? Great. Let me know if you need me to do another one. Good luck with the rest of the shoot!"

Yeah, just the verbal shrug as he rattles off sorta-phonic letters and numbers. "David-Engine-Pluto, 6, 4, 9 . . . uh 8."

Yeah, I kept expecting to hear, when questioned about the insanity of it all, Coop saying, "Oh, you're right, okay! You got me, I made it up. It wasn't a flannel shirt I leant to Katie. It was a Buck Rogers hoodie. I just thought having a favorite flannel shirt was cooler. And Mitch wasn't turned into a can of

Here's the problem from my perspective: there really isn't a single logical plot point in the whole movie. There are a few good ideas, but they're immensely lazy in getting from A to B.
A seven year time jump and Bruce Wayne is still crippled? He's a freakin' badass ninja billionaire, don't tell me he wouldn't get his

But the arguments against a direct assault on King's Landing are REALLY compelling. Dany doesn't just want to conquer Westeros (her ability to do that was never in question), she wants to rule and be a better Queen than those who came before.
That involves a lot more finesse than burning a whole city. I think Jon said

You may actually be underestimating the height difference.

If, ya know, any of the archers weren't on fire.

I think the cries of "fanservice" are a result of the constant bait and switch we've experienced over all these years. The brilliance of the show and the story Martin put into motion was that it constantly set up one kind of narrative, only to pull the rug out from under us over, and over, and over again. First with

Actually, I thought Tyrion's plans were quite good. He'd just never gone against Jamie and Cersei before, the latter is utterly ruthless and the former learned against Robb Stark. He never anticipated they'd abandon Casterly Rock, because it's unthinkable to abandon your homeland. The Starks wouldn't do that, Tywin

I went looking to see if there was some sort of camera-trickery or CGI masking for that jump, since it was clearly Maisie Williams and not a stunt double. Turns out she's a dancer and that's an easy trick for her.

In the making-of for that sequence, they compared it to bringing an F-16 to a sword fight.

Remember back during the second season where they absolutely, positively, would NOT show any giant battle scenes? Instead Tyrion gets knocked out, or you see a flash of Grey Wind and then . . . cut to the aftermath of the battle. That all changed with Battle of the Blackwater. It's like they said, "Hey, I think we can

They died out, some of old age, and then because they were increasingly sickly as generations went on. The only dragons that died in battle (I believe) were killed by other dragons.

Gaming it out a little bit, I think Cersei's land forces will shortly be functionally gone. Most of Westeros doesn't like Cersei, but they follow her because they're afraid of her. Well, Dany has just shown that she can be WAY scarier. Once word gets around about that battle and Dany starts offering amnesty to the

Yes, I know it's been mentioned. At least it was alluded to, something along the lines of, "a king that defaults on a debt to the Iron Bank doesn't remain king for long."

There's been an ongoing thing that you do NOT fuck with the Iron Bank. In this case, they'd probably reach out to Dany and offer their services in exchange for the money Cersei owes them.

Not really. They've got ONE weapon against dragons, and now Dany knows about it and knows to be at least a little careful on the approach. Guess what's first on the 'getting roasted' list in future encounters? (Anything big enough to hide one of those things).
Plus, so far, in EVERY encounter, dragons have been used