
"Do not underestimate the powers of the emperor." See, that's fine if you're just talking about magic space-voodoo. Not so much when it comes to goddamn finger-lightning. The reasonable explanation was that the Emperor electrocuting Luke was the first time anybody had ever done that. "HOLY SHIT! The Emperor is bad-ass

I suggest you try explaining that to Cersei.

Gendry's going to show up to fish Theon out of the water.

How much better would Bale's Batman have been if Nolan had considered the little vocoder bit they used in BvS. Literally the best part of that movie.

Now I'm pretty much going to list all the awesome John Glover quotes from that show.
Stone: Do you know anything about faith?
Devil: Faith? I was present at its creation.

AHHHH, your comment went crazy! But from what I can gather, sure, IF it were a better movie, including Joker as a minor character would be a devastating rising of the stakes. The idea being that the big bad of the last movie barely even registers because of the amplified threat of the new big-bad. In theory, that's a

Yeah, I think I saw that flier: "Backaches? Muscle spasms? Total paralysis below the chest? Stop by our offices today! We will punch your spine back into health! Satisfaction guaranteed!"

Damn, you could almost pick any John Glover line out of that whole series. "Yes, yes, now that's what I like to hear. The indomitable spirit and righteous indignation of the human species. I've heard it a million times defending a billion atrocities, and it's still music to my ears." And my absolute favorite: " Love,

I get what you're saying, but I think the ongoing narrative could be just as served by Dent's death, and the potential movie the end of TDK set up. One of the things I liked about DKR was the notion of "The Dent Act", which should be some blend of the Patriot act and Civil forfeiture taken to an extreme. In the place

God, that ending bugged me. It's admittedly a fanboy thing but. . . Batman doesn't quit. It's a core component of his character and the part that makes Batman awesomely tragic (or tragically awesome). His complete obsession makes him unstoppable, but it also makes him unable to ever let go and find happiness.

I'm pretty sure they were just starting on draft 2, lost interest and said, "To hell with it, let's shoot this fucker!"

I kinda liked Batman Forever, even though it completely wasted Tommy Lee Jones. And it did demonstrate that under no circumstances should Batman ever smile.
But, God, Batman & Robin is just a neon colored blacklight nightmare. I've never seen someone (Clooney) so obviously embarrassed to be in a film. You can see him

Or, ya know, not at, like, 9pm on Friday LONG before the advent of DVRs. I think I've got a crappy torrent of the whole season drifting around somewhere. No other options, it doesn't even have a DVD release.

That was one of about a thousand instances of "We need the plot to get from A to B." "How?" "I dunno, make something up. It doesn't have to make sense or stand up to even the slightest bit of scrutiny." God, so much of that movie was just . . . insulting.

I will say that John Glover improves anything. He should be in every movie, just hanging around being an asshole. Still my favorite version of Satan in any medium is his turn in Brimstone. It's criminal that that show is all but forgotten.

I'm okay with not messing with franchise building (the disaster that was "Fantastic Four" shows the dangers of putting the cart before that particular horse), and Nolan was really good in BB and TDK about ending the movies with a tantalizing suggestion at what would happen next. He succeeded brilliantly with Joker's

Yeah, that was the most screamingly obvious case of identity theft in the history of the world. The only result of that whole "steal his fingerprint, invade the stock-exchange" plotline should've been, "well, of COURSE all transactions after terrorists took over are null and void. How stupid do you think we are?"

I thought the Joker was supposed to be the judge in the barely there cameo where they used Scarecrow instead. Character-wise, the whole sadistic "death or exile" options makes a hell of a lot more sense with the Joker banging the gavel. Even if Ledger had been alive it would've been a terrible waste to toss him in

The basic character designs didn't really bother me (though, yeah, an actual mask would've been a good idea for Catwoman) I definitely disagree that B&R's idiot henchman was in any way slavish to the source material, Venom aside. His brilliance is a huge part of the character, the whole idea is that he's a match for

Yeah, you couldn't have invalidated your own judgement any more if you'd have said, "You know, "Howard The Duck" is really an overlooked masterpiece."