
Well that's just silly. It's like saying Dick Van Dyke should've never been made because we already had The Honeymooners.

Uhh, WHAT? If you can look over your statement and clarify with, I dunno, some punctuation or specifics or something, that'd be awesome.

But was he read his rights? Of course not. Ned Stark . . . monster.

Also, don't forget that the Arthurian legend was GoT long before GoT. Arthur's dad is made to look like his enemy by Merlin's magic, then screws his enemy's wife, who then gives birth to Arthur, who then becomes king. Then later (way, way later) Arthur leaves his nephew Mordred in charge of Camelot. Mordred then

True, but it was definitely a 90's style hyper-misery story.

Personally, I find the backstory weirdly funny, in that 90's "Spider-Man kills Mary Jane with radioactive sperm" mega-tragic grimdark-overkill sense.
I think it's the pregnancy that does it. Not only does Superman have to be manipulated into beating and then murdering his own wife, she's just GOT to be pregnant, too.

Yes, I like that the movie exists. And it's not BAD. But it's annoying because it's such a generic bullshit "Tony Scott" movie when it could've been so much more. Hell it couldn't been a more accessible "Tinker Tailor Soldier Spy", but instead it just went for stupid and forgettable.

Same goes for sepia-toned.

I definitely don't believe it should be the "grimdark" superhero world (Zack Snyder can wait outside, thanks) , but even in the light hearted, "gee-whiz" superhero universes there are presumably unremarked upon casualties. It's all about striking the right tone. As long as we're not in the '60s Batman-style universe,

@d.r. darke I don't know if it would've been "better". The Navy doesn't generally do "one ship running around by itself", so it wouldn't just be the Enterprise, it'd be the Enterprise Strike Group with the Enterprise and a dozen other ships that perform various functions. You've got the Strike Group Admiral and their

At some point, I was waiting for Barry to make the connection. "Wait, Wally and Iris are brother and sister. But Wally said he was MY brother. So wouldn't that mean . . . What the hell kind of family is this?"

Don't forget that time he won the minor league home run record and the brief period when he became part-fish and blew up Dennis Hopper.

I've seen skidmarked underwear that were better Robocop remakes than the actual Robocop remake.

That's what's kind of amazing. He's got one voice, but several VERY distinct characters. It's always the same, it's REALLY distracting for, like, the first half of the first episode of a new show (when I first saw Archer all I could think of was Coach MCGuirk and when I first saw Bob's Burgers all I could think of was

"This other head likes to clean my genitals with his mouth. I know it sounds weird… I let him do it because it feels great. Oh yeah. The problem is that I can taste it. So, I taste my own genitals. In my mouth. It's… a conundrum."

Yeah, I get that. Even though it was dumb then and it's dumb now. When you're 7 years old and out playing superhero, NOBODY chooses to be Bucky or Robin or Speedy. Kids are perfectly competent at imagining themselves as badass grownups, you don't need to plug in a mini-me hanger-on. I was always Superman . . . never,

Yeah, over the years the suit has gradually been diminished to just a part of his helmet. First he wore an actual suit, then everything below the waist was CG, then parts of the chest, now it's pretty much everything.
Personally, I'm fine with Tony Stark eventually giving up the Iron Man mantle. That's something the

Ah yes, those special yoga powers of ponytail, essential oils, and being pretentious in a really new-agey way.

I find the long-term superhero sidekick thing of having an unrelated pre-teen be the "ward" of some random dude pretty unsettling. Is that even a legal thing? Just, "Hey, orphan. Come live with me and be my ward!" And child welfare just says, "Seems legit. Sure, random dude, take the kid. And we'll never ever check up

I generally liked Age of Ultron, but I get why people have a problem with it. It's not so much the plot itself, it's that it feels very much like an unfinished script. The interpersonal conflicts among the Avengers are kinda screwy and don't make a ton of sense. Stark gets permission from Thor to run tests on Loki's