
Nope, the shots of Jack stopped at the waist. It was implied man-ass.

And that was way, way back in the first season of NuWho.

I also love that episode. Plus, it's normal for every season to have at least one doctor/companion light episode. Either that, or they sideline The Doctor for one episode and the companion for another episode. It's a budget thing. Blink was one, The Lodger (Amy's in the Tardis the whole time), The Girl Who Waited (The

I find that an extremely weird thing to say. The best thing to happen to any character is to have a grand, poetic, devastating exit. That's what Donna got. It was unbearably sad, but there's beauty to the sadness.

Yeah, the whole "Oh, but they're sentient now!" was unnecessary and tacked on. It was like they REALLY wanted a moral component to the ending, even though the story they'd told didn't actually support it. It's also oddly reactionary for the end to come down to a weird "it's humanity's own fault for using technology to

"Paging Doctor Boo-Boo, paging Doctor Boo-Boo."

Well, yeah, makes sense. The wellspring was dying, and the fairies were able to repair it. Meaning, that's not where they got their power.

I always liked the idea of magic that extracts a serious cost, but have never really seen it work effectively.

I kinda preferred "Fembot Nick Fury."

Ugh, I really dislike Kenneth Branaugh. His whole "I'm going to direct and star in ALL THE SHAKESPEARE" was just infuriating.
And his batshit, pointless, FOUR HOUR version of Hamlet is just painful. You're not supposed to use the Folio version in a performance, for Christ's sake, even Shakespeare knew when to edit. In

My cousin's nickname was "Boo-Boo" for ENTIRELY too long.

That's why you don't beat up your prostitute.

"President Ford was found dead today and I'm gay."

I remember seeing that orange nightmare and thinking, "dear God, why would you pick day-glo orange as a color for anything?"
Then I found out they were established in '76. Question answered.

His whole "anal sex is bad for you and will ruin your butthole" thing is just weird and fascinatingly awful.

That's weird, I've never heard him even suggest those things as a fix-all. What he seems to be, to me, is a pragmatist, with a view that sexual contentment is pretty damned important in a relationship. How you get to that contentment with two people with incompatible sexual desires is a matter of circumstance.
I find

Because Dave Attel has an obvious love and affinity for the people he jokes about, he has the whole "deep down, we're ALL freaks and weirdoes" thing.
Tosh, on the other hand, comes across like the dickhole kid saying, "ha ha, look at those freaks! Aren't they just hilarious in their loserdom!"

Matthews drives me nuts. It's like he's constantly trying really, really hard to find a way to say something perfectly mundane in the most awkward, ass-backward way imaginable, that also always manages to come across as vaguely offensive in some undefinable way.

A chef friend of mine doesn't like Fieri much, but absolutely fucking loathes Emeril Lagasse. Whenever he'd pop up on something and do the "BAM!" thing, my buddy would get red in the face and scream at the TV, "YES, that's called seasoning you fucking fraud! All you're doing is putting pepper on meat and being

"The media left has just as many knee-jerk, self-righteous blowhards as the right."
That's a bold statement. Not saying the left doesn't have assholes, but you could start listing conservative knee-jerk, self-righteous blowhards right now and not be finished until sometime after the 2018 midterms.