
Just reading the rules of Bridge is like listening to Ben Wyatt explain Cones of Dunshire. There are so many weird twists and "and thens" that it doesn't take long to completely lose track of what's supposed to be going on.

I didn't think the counting was trying to time when he would exit, it was about trying to make sure she had ENOUGH time to do what she had to do to the AC so it could be dropped. Which is why it didn't matter that he was taking his time leaving the building.

I get what you're saying, but the epic nature of the OT is absolutely necessary . . . and slapping some other Jedi (or quaasi-jedi) into the mix would really take away from that. Ultimately, everybody has to die before ROTJ. Period. Sure, you could bullshit around it, but it would fuck up the ultimate story that's

Or, ya know, lighting some bastard on fire with his batmobile jets.

Tone doesn't excuse Burton's Batman from literally strapping a bomb to somebody and walking away as they explode. I get what you're saying, I guess, but if you're gonna be pissy about Batman killing people, you should be sorta consistent.

Katie Rife . . . there's an old saying that it's impossible to make an anti-war movie. War is exciting, it's dynamic, and any attempt to depict the horrors of war realistically still makes it look kinda awesome. I think the same goes for superheroes. Translating The Watchmen almost frame for frame to the screen can't

Okay, Sam, I've kinda got to call bullshit on your SupesvBatman argument. Batman doesn't put machine-guns on his vehicles? That's every movie version of Batman we've seen. That's been an issue since the '89 version of Batman (never mind that Burton's Batman killed WAY more indiscriminately than even Snyder's did).

I'm envisioning things getting sexy with Pam, who says something like, "Of course I'm a woman. What did you expect? Wait, if you didn't know I was a woman, then why did you . . ."
"I think it's better if we didn't go down that path, Poovey."

About 90% of the time, Cam is the worst human being on the planet. Profoundly selfish, hyper-sensitive to the slightest insult, emotionally unbalanced to the point that he seriously needs psychiatric help, and generally unable to empathize with others in any meaningful way.

I never said Southern. One of his constant standbys was this idiot yokel voice. (See 35 seconds or so into this clip:… Look I loved Robin Williams, but he spent at least three decades being super, SUPER repetitive (in-between family friendly movies). I'm sure the mountains of coke didn't

That's true, but you've got to admit that he coasted on the same bits for DECADES. He'd incorporate new stuff, but there'd still be a few bits that had been in his repertoire since 1977. And he never changed his gay voice, black voice, dumb-shit yokel voice, etc.

I honestly think that was the impetus of the whole episode, that they wanted to show a version of Casey, like, ten years later after getting married and having a kid and buying into all the upper-crust mommy bullshit. "Here I am, taking this shit seriously that I used to make fun of."
Also Casey's (paraphrased), "I

True enough, I was going by the convention.

Casey: Roman, you remember that time you made me read your script about the intelligent fungus?
Roman: Which one?
Henry: There's more than one?!?

God, the Adam Scott reaction when the white woman started bawling in the kitchen was beautiful. His surprised/terrified "Oh . . . Shit!" was perfect.

Fun fact, the mom from the preschool fundraiser was the original Casey in the indie pilot they shot. They'd planned on the character being the same age as Adam Scott, but still trying to live the dream while Henry had given up. But by the time the show was picked up by Starz, she was pregnant and cast Lizzy Caplan and

Please. Talk more about a primary election that ended nine months ago.

I can't see how Louis C.K. can really get stale, considering he literally writes an entire new act every single year. It's not like when Robin Williams would do the same fifteen bits and four funny voices for a decade and after a while you realized, "Yup, I'm over that."

In this show he does this remarkable thing where he goes from being a superior asshole to a "I'm going to make a cape out of your skin" creep in the blink of an eye any time he perceives the slightest female interest. Even from a 15 year old.
Roman: These assholes always fuckin' up the comics. You guys see Dark Knight?