Your argument implies this kind of fan violence would be acceptable/understandable if it occurred at clubs you’ve heard of before.
Your argument implies this kind of fan violence would be acceptable/understandable if it occurred at clubs you’ve heard of before.
I’m here for the Austin Rivers vitriol.
We know it, we love it - that jacked-up, Rundgren-ized guitar solo!!
Man. When I was a kid my buddies older brother had that on vinyl. We loved it.You are right . They were one of the biggest for a couple of years.
As you wrote in your earlier post, Rundren could see great music ahead of his time.
Luv, check out these credits courtesy of wiki:
Absolutely! I dearly love all his earlier stuff; I feel like it’s part of my DNA.
I wish Todd had written and performed more music when he was a younger man. I just love his music, but I suppose he was more intrigued with the production side of the business, which of course, he has been brilliant at.
This shirt reminds me of that old Spaghetti Western, “A Fistful of Spaghetti.”
Fisting Spaghetti Monster?
After the tragic incident in rural Kansas that claimed my fiber camshaft timing gear, I had to tow the little CJ-2A…
I don’t think he meant to hit him at all. Civil standards are only ‘a preponderance of the evidence’ (50%), whereas criminal is essentially 99%, so we’ll see where it goes, but to me it seems obvious that his control inputs were all meant to avoid hitting stoney mcpoutyface with the big rear tires.
Hollins was acting strange and started yelling “I need my mom,”
Bullshit. Physics says otherwise, as does the video. Anyone who’s spun tires on a slanted surface knows this.
You keep saying, “End of story” and then coming back to try and defend your point. It’s clearly not “End of story” if you feel the need to keep replying.
Yeah, that’s not what the video shows.
A hiker ascending a 10,000-footer hauling lasagna with meat sauce wasn’t particularly prepared for every eventuality, you say?
When I saw the kid wearing a Derrick Rose jersey, I figured he would dribble around for 23 seconds and then tear his ACL.