Dick Boyles Chevrolet, Gig Harbor, WA. Sadly they closed.
Dick Boyles Chevrolet, Gig Harbor, WA. Sadly they closed.
Better Off Dead reference?
Pictures of rescue pooch perhaps?
Also they should test-drive the car with things like, you know, comfort of seats, quality of interior, etc. in mind.
I must be a size-ist then, he’s such a slight fellow ;)
I’m sure he’s a great person and so earnest, I feel bad for him a little.
The disapproving inspectors weren’t as performant.
Offsides is a stupid rule anyway ;)
Because throwing temper-tantrums like a toddler because you lost has nothing to do with being hyper-competitive. It just means your a fucking immature shit.
I got all kinds of grief when I pointed out an Adam Savage video in which the dogs were not secured in the back seat, I was told it was not possible to secure a dog. So nice to see all the well-secured pooches here!
Considering the condition of the cars, the bird shit etc, that’s hoarding not collecting.
Elon has man-boobs. That’s all I got.
It’s the new thing, they even make special rubber wedding bands to wear while engaged in athletics.
I look forward to a conference or even national level players boycott for whatever reason—it’s going to be awesome.
It is genius- Wakeyleaks makes me smile every time I see it.
I just thought that it was funny to specify illegal, just trying to make a joke, I apologize for coming off snarky.
As opposed to the legal sex stuff with minors, which would be ok?
Like Bomani says “just come on home” LeBron.
This was several years ago, but I’m pretty sure yes, the theme of the food being made was for a dog’s birthday party. I’m sure one of her chums made a lovely flower arrangement for the table.
That’s gonna leave a mark.