
Paying for the replacement absolves him for breaking it in the first place but waking you up to do it still should’a gotten him a dick punch.

I don’t know why but everytime I put on this shirt my kid has a seizure

I agree with you to a significant point. Hunting is not just an economic thing for conservation, but is really more important as a way of regulating populations. The herd culling that would naturally be done by big predators is instead done by folks traipsing through the woods totin’ Big Damn Guns (or bows or plasma

Having just spent several hours troubleshooting a problem caused by a very stupid Default Setting option on a Cisco VTC system, I’m not surprised in the least.

Gravity: it’s not just a good idea; it’s the law.

I’m interested in a pretty wide spectrum of things, including a lot of sports (and a lot of those “mind and science” things) and this soccer blog was cross-posted on a real, er regular sports blog which is how it came to my attention. So far as your choice in religions, I guess soccer is less stupid than a lot of

So are you one of those idiots who believe that money = smart?

Why drop thermo-nukes? The energy they introduce would help but include a radiation burden that’s unneccesary; just snag some space-rocks from the nearby-ish astroid belt and give them a properly calculated shove inward. Their impact will provide as much energy as a nuke without the other problems.

First, Level3 didn’t build out all their network, they also bought a lot. They purchased Williams Communications which is an old oil company that built out the best protected (and then largest) fiber network in the US by pulling glass down decommissioned oil pipelines. They would have had to pay to pull them all out

I’m curious; the article states the new hybrid cells are 5x more effective and 20% more efficient but never says what percentage of light energy falling on the cells get converted to electricity. I remember PV’s were having trouble getting past about 10% efficiency not too long ago, so where are these hitting?

Odd. Not one of the included messages was signed “Sully”.

I misread that as :What in god’s name is an “iPad Bro”

Sorry, lads, you’re all incorrect.

If you want to go there, all solids are simply liquids minus heat and pressure. That 2ft long pig sticker made out of high carbon steel? Its not even a liquid it’s just a super cooled gas cause I bought it on the face of the sun where it comes in aerosol form.

Needs more fire.

Not barbarian; Ronin.

I tended to use lances of Hatchets with Panthers for fast fire recon and a handful of Cats behind them. Of course I also liked to mix up the big gun on the Hatchets with lasers or gausse rifles so I could brutalize the guys who were terrified of melee mechs getting in their formation. I’d put Panthers on high spots to

I understand that Mexico views soccer as a religion, but I also understand that all religions are simply shows put on for the weak and the stupid. Which one are you?

Who the hell brings tossed salad to a tailgate?

THIS is how you excel at tailgating: