
Don’t worry; the Austin hipsters will push South till they hit San Marcos and then lose track of what they were doing when they smell weed-smoke from SWT or Texas State or whatever they’re calling it.

We would put our JD on the flatbed, 24” header in place, and truck it between our farm house and another quarter about 5miles away. Low and slow for sure, but still moving it. Yes, we’d pull the header for anything further than a trip into town (about 9miles). On occasion I’ve even highway driven it with the header in

I got yer Cellphone Disabler right here, dickhead!

Come on over?!?

Uh, “he who smelt it dealt it.”

Yeah. He’s still a little pissed about the whole Cecil the Lion thing.

You’ve never towed much have you? If you can find a set of mirrors that allow you to see around a flat-bed trailer with one of these on it (even with the header removed) then I’ll be impressed:

Tour “Space Camp”? That’s the US Space and Rocket Center, one of the premier exhibits of American Space Tech anywhere. They have one of the only complete Saturn V’s, and it’s in a building now, complete with A/C (when I got to visit there several years back, they were building the enclosure for the V so I couldn’t see

Here’s a better trick:

I imagine that as being more of a throwing weapon for a Norwegian ninja. He creeps into the keep, clad in black and smelling of woodsmoke and the sea, and makes his way stealthily into the Lord’s chamber. Dispatching the door-guard silently, he reaches into his tunic and steps into the light, letting his target see

and that most accurately represents Westminster. It’s an awful, boring (and dirty) town.

You don’t commute in San Antonio, obviously. After putting up with the pickup driving simpletons in SA, I’d gladly let humanity go extinct and let the lower creatures take over. I’m fairly sure even invertebrates could figure out a fucking turn signal before these morons.

Woodgrain, duh.




They dropped a Mark17 Thermonuclear weapon on Albuquerque and it was fully loaded. The detonator charge fired and it dispersed plutonium all over outside the city on Kirtland AFB:

So Lego is like analog minecraft, right?

Well when ya put it that way it makes her sound kinda hot.