
I’m holding out for LV426.

My border collie mutt figured out she can use the rope tug as a flail and now rules the living room with an iron paw. Kitties cower in fear before her. Well, they did that anyway, but now even moreso.

Scoring? Bah! I’m bringin’ the MEAT HAMMER!

I’m not Mil nor is my family heavily military but after graduating and working in the private sector for a decade I got a job, first as a contractor but now as a GS, working for the Army then DoD on Ft Sam Houston. My coworkers are all either ex-mil or military and I work directly (via phone and video) with soldiers

This dude hit the absolute trifecta of millenial facial punchability:

Good! now can we start going after the fucking Fraternal Order of Police? And the useless fucking politicians using government money to make fundraising calls in the guise of “community information”? And while we’re at it, knock it off with the Amber and Silver alerts every 6.5 hours. I don’t care if your kid or

I was a big fan of the FCC until Ronald Reagan’s deregulation ruined them.

But to be fair, most of the movies made from Philip K Dick novels didn’t get much inspiration from the author, either.

To get a smooth spin and good power throughout the stroke, think of it in three phases. Picture a triangle with the tip at the top of each pedal stroke; push down (front leg of the triangle), pull back (bottom), lift up (back leg) returning the pedal to the top of the stroke. That gives you lots of power throughout

If you’re just pushing down/pulling up then you’re losing a great deal of power on your stroke and your spin will be very choppy. The goal is to pedal in a circle, which paradoxically you can do most efficiently by envisioning a triangle. Think of an equilateral triangle with the apex at the top of each pedal stroke.

Using weapons supplied by Russia and personell trained by Russians and likely Russian observers onsite and definitely covered up by Russian military assets.

That thing looks like a Mini fetus.

Christ, it’s like a Prius metastasized.

They don’t look to be less miserable to me; heck, I’d say they’re more miserable than about anybody else.

I’d rather have something that smacks anyone who complains about portrait mode shots...

A good rider uses the front brake for probably 70-80% of the stopping power and often doesn’t use the rears at all. Weight shift when you brake means the usefullness of the rear brake is almost negligable and it’s much more common to lock up the rear and lose control than to lock up the front and endo. Even on serious

Of course now the problem is that good riders only rarely use their rear brake.

I’m not sayin’ it’s C’thuhlu; but it’s C’thuhlu.

No Way! My blacksmith totally knows Japanese man! He told me it means “Bad Ass Motherfucker” in ancient Japanese-ish, really!

So some Old School L33T action?