
The natural evolution of using a sharpie on a passed-out drunk friend?


The Jag E-type answers your question:

Ignoring them is by far the most powerful and striking mockery you can perform on simple shit-heads like Palin and Trump. If more people would ignore all these idiots (from Trump to Jeb to Hilly, et-al) then we (the people) could get on to actually governing ourselves without the fucking freakshow we have to endure

Well, duh. The Martian ones are green...

I give it a week in the wild before some pervo hacks the sensor and installs the target around his own ass.

As an American I can forgive your being a Conservative. I can’t, in good conscience, forgive your being a Mets fan.

Don’t do this! Make tamales instead!

Don’t the manufacturers recommend against storing them upright? Specially the rotomolded/thermoplastic ones, due to the weight causing the boats to deform over time.

keep in mind that the Santa Fe Opera, despite hosting world-class performers, tends to take itself a lot less seriously than most. Aside from an open-air auditorium north of the city that allows for gorgeous views of the Sangre de Christo mountains (and the summer thunder storms with lightning shows...) they also have

Extended swing arms. Fuck these guys and the horse they rode in on.

So if I got one of these and put the Miata on it, it would be Master-Blaster?

One bunch of superstitious primitives wants to destroy the history of another bunch of superstitious primitives. Oh, no! Our fairy tales no longer have provenance, whatever will we do?!?

Tastes like Tang.

Wherever these hipster doofii are located, I hope they’re not actually selling this as “BBQ Brisket”. If so, someone needs to stop by and punch them both in the throat. The only good thing about living in Texas is that I can drive 30min in any direction and find BBQ good enough to almost make you forget the weather.

You obviously haven’t had good beef. I grew up on a farm and we bred and raised and butchered all our own beef; all it needed was a suitable application of fire (and a little salt cause we’re not stupid) to be absolutely delicious.

Dear vegetarians,

Tell that to Nanking...

If it’s anything like a tankslapper, then you want to get weight on the nose to get it under control.