
Combining Drift and Rodeo makes perfect sense:

Shoulda SMITED that fucker!

I prefer doing that with regular glass tumblers. Keeps ‘em on their toes.

Regal Cinema? AMC?

Give me a badge and a fedora and the right to shoot people with impunity and I’m in.

Shouldn’t they have saved this one for Europa?

Charlie Boorman and Obi Wan already did it on bikes.

“I told you to turn right and now we’re lost! You’re going too fast, slow down! If you cause me to spill my Tang you’re in for it, Mister!”

But what if, while they were in hospital screwing around with a bunch of lazy kids, ghosts attacked the city and killed a bunch of people? There’s your harm right there!

Why don’t they just pray harder and not sin so much? That would cut out the middleman, er, Dr. and make them instantly healthy.

if regular surfers were paid big bucks by a helmet sponsor, they’d wear ‘em, too.

Deep Thought. And it needs to be 42x more powerful than anything the Chinese have.

I hope he uses it to more efficiently imprison right-wing conspiracy theorists and take away their guns!

So now that they’re retired I can buy every one of them, right? I’m going to paint them all black with low-vis registrations and flags then fly them around the state of Texas every night just to keep the the conspiracy whackos (like the Governor, for instance) in a panic.

SUV’s? Crossovers?

The same one that has consistantly cut education and science funding.

ya mean like the one in Albuquerque?

Cop-Cams can be said to work when the time comes that we no longer have police officers killing citizens and police forces covering it up and cities refusing to press charges against bad cops for doing it. They can also be said to work when good cops are exonerated or protected by footage of a stop.

Swamp coolers are only effective in low humidity zones. Texas doesn’t have many of those.