
Aside from massive problems with the implementation of body cams (the PD’s tend to be in charge of maintaining them, turning them on and off, downloading/storing data and releasing/not releasing/covering up anything of value on them) here’s a little tidbit: Albuquerque’s Police Chief who presided over a force well

“The Running of the Fools?”

This isn’t a Production Issue, a Design Failure or even a Safety Problem. This is a simple way to begin eradicating suburban cowboy-types who drive Ext-Cab trucks as family haulers from the species.

What the hell? We all know the appropriate Jalopnik-approved volumetric measurement device for trunks is dead hookers.

Hot glue, duh.

With extra batteries for those determined drunk friends...

So take the top off that tower and turn the power up to 11 and bingo-bango we have that anti-satellite rail-gun we’ve been looking for!

To free the souls of the damned. What other reason would there be?

These abominations will never be anywhere within a mile of my house or my Prime account. Otherwise, my wife would have Cottonelle buttons on every flat plane of our house and we’d be constantly getting airdropped with rolls of buttwipe.

I’ve always figured the “appreciation it deserves” is to be thrashed by a doofus frat boy whose Daddy wouldn’t buy him a real Porsche, not maintained in any way, covered in spilled booze and bodily fluids , left in the sun to bake the paint and rot the seats, dinged up, smashed in, generally rode hard and put up wet

All you Porsche-a-philes just calm your jets. They didn’t mean to drop the 15ton weight on the car, they were aiming for the model.

No doubt, the car is horrific on every level but please tell me Torch is having business cards printed with the title “Shitbox Afficianado”. That needs to be put on the Jalopnik masthead.

Oddly enough, a lot of pits get taken cause the type of scumbag that would steal a dog to use as bait for training their fighting dog tends to prefer big and mean looking dogs.

They couldn’t just post the YouTube bootleg of Jack Nicholson from “A Few Good Men” and call it a day? That response at least had some veracity and history behind it whereas this one was just rote bureaucracy.

I think I get it now: your inability to understand how stating an invalid premise over and over doesn’t make it right is a performance art piece, highlighting how Fincher used the most simplistic of devices but pretends its complex and intriguing. Now do a piece that references how his scene staging is reminiscent of

and still you persist. Your delusions about the adequacy of your own tastes and mental functions are obviously worsening. Seek professional help and Netflix counseling.

And you’re still exhibing awful taste. Fix your bad taste in directors and the issue will be resolved.

LA should host the Olympics as punishment for their failure to enact meaningful water conservation reforms.

Seven is a terrible movie with a hack director. You should have better taste all the time.

Cause they don’t already? I like the idea of making politicians wear logo-covered racing suits showing all their donors like NASCAR. For that matter, each time a politician does a presser, a functionary should be just off camera swapping out trucker hats for all their major donors every 5 seconds.