
Creepy, but good word usage.

I wish I could have the movie erased from my memory but only so I could remain blissfully unaware of just how god awful it really is.

three threes and a one?

I bought a ratty Pontiac Aztec from a HS Chemistry teacher and it had little baggies of blue rock candy all over the place...

Years ago, when I still lived in Denver, they were busting guys selling peanuts on Blake. They strong-armed some guy who published his own “Rockies Guide” and sold it on the sidewalk outside the field; I think it was the same guy who initally bought that they sued and stole the URL from. I’m a Rox

Are they lubing that thing with raw sewage?

Why spend the money on good seats and waste them by not being interested in the game? The trophy wife crowd that piles into the home-plate seats then pays no attention to games is just annoying to me, cause I’d love to have a chance to see a game from that close. That’s exactly why I think we should ban the nets and

I’d rather we convince them to not reproduce and jump off a tall building, instead.

Or maybe it’s a bit of an advert that also includes some very good information, not just telling you about what is being produced but also the reasons why (or why not) you would want to purchase/read it. Seems to me that it would be better if we got rid of the screaming, flashing, useless fluffery of the average ad

Call me when they do this with shark cells.

I was at a game in the first couple years of Coors Field where a little girl took a foul ball off the face. She was sitting with her Mommy and friends just above the freaking home dugout. TV replays showed that Mommy was facing away from the batter talking with her friends when the pitch was thrown and didn’t react at

The Rox have always sold tonnes of merchandise (remember when they opened Coors Field, sold out every game for a decade and often were in the top 5 for most merchandise sold?) The problem is that the owner is only slightly less corrupt than FIFA and all that money, including the massive amounts of cash given to him by

But the Rox don’t follow thru and “eventually build a contender.” We raise talent through a great farm system, mature them into the bigs then let them get disillusioned and injured over years of utterly failing to flesh out a whole team then either fire-sale them at the trade line or wait till their pissed enough to

And once more, Fuck the Fucking Rockies and the cock-sucker GM and the asshole owner.

I don’t need all this cause I take mine to a Faith Mechanic.

You forgot “Spend the next 3 hours scrubbing with GoJo and a brush to get all the grease off your hands, from under your fingernails and out of your hair.”


So were they late for the big meeting in Waco or were they just on the rag that afternoon?