
Wrong! The only correct guacamole is made without any avocados what so ever, because they’ve all been hucked at passing car cause that’s the only thing they’re good for!

Dad, is that you?

This dude must be his alternate universe self in which he discovered Taco Bell at an early age:

So USC has found another name for confirmation bias.

So you had to find a way to actually use your degree for a business matter to continue writing off your student loans, right? (It’s cool, I’m an Art Major, too...)

But he wasn’t dozing, he was passed out. The mystery shitter could very well have yelled at him, shaken him and done other “wake up!!” things only to decide that crapping on the coffee table was a better use of his time.

Yeah. Please make sure to keep your Grandmother well away from me. Violence might very well ensue if she attempted to get god on my food.

I’ve not seen any of the data, but just viewing the video shot from the ground it seems to me the blowout of vapor (I assume that’s LO2) the immediately preceeds the explosion came from the top of the stack. The first time I saw it I figured it was a 2nd stage failure of some sort and the way it looks it just seems

Needs more “Hip Hop Attitude”.

Whereas real Utahraptors are about the size of a horse:

Based on the video I’ve seen and the explanation of an over-pressure event in the upper-stage (on video it looks like a blow-out of an O2 tank a the top of the stack to me) I’d say additional fuel in the lower stage wouldn’t be a primary concern. My totally arm-chair guess is that something mechanical happened (broken

Ok. You win. +1

You left off the last, important item:
Once you’re done, remove ALL YOUR DAMN SIGNS!!!

There’s always that one asshole who has to ruin the fly-in for EVERYBODY...

So what does Alex Jones say about it, then?

Reading through these comments it becomes patently obvious the typical Gizmodo commentor has never done anything riskier than pre-order the new iPhone sight-unseen.

Above all else, teach them this:

I made no assumptions about your kid(s) but stated a simple reality: your kids are special to you, but nobody else. You have an evolutionary need to see them as little balls of light whereas I have no reason to do so, nor does any of the 7plus Billion other humans out there who aren’t related to them. Regardless of