Skippy Marmoset

“Nice work, Midvale!”

I seriously laughed at loud at “call AAA, I don’t know what else to tell you.”

You just single-handedly sold me on watching this.

I’ll never forget when friend of mine went to a film festival, circa 2007, and when I asked about it, she told me, “It was so weird. I saw documentaries about genocide and racism, but somehow the thing that made me angriest was this one movie about Donkey Kong.”

Fun fact: “A Shot in the Dark” and a bunch of similar comedies (a lot of them for Blake Edwards) were written by William Peter Blatty. Then he wrote The Exorcist, based on a true(-ish) story he’d heard back when he was a student at Georgetown, and his career suddenly took a very sharp turn.

Yeah, I know I’ve seen at least parts of most of them, but from what I remember they all (except maybe for Shot In The Dark) sort of run together into a big pile of meh.

Nice, I hadn’t caught that one, but there was also a comment to Klaus as “Dr Faustus” about suspiciously young doctors.

“Bea Arthur. Outstanding!”
—something my brother and I quote to each other more than we probably should.

“Good at whatever the hell it is they’re trying to do” seems like an extremely relative term in this world.

Having not read the books, I think it’s safe to say that the feud between Olaf and the Baudelaires has gotten very personal by this point. On both sides.

Mrs. Poe is the worst. I actually like Arthur; he is possibly the dumbest man in the world (and in their world, that is really, REALLY saying something), but he actually does care about the Baudelaires and his intentions are unwaveringly good.

That’s what I’m saying. I also just tried expanding it a little...

Shia LaBeouf can be recast as Willie Scott.

I agree about the list being too young, though it did get me thinking: I looked it up, and Harrison Ford was 39 when Raiders came out. That sounded about right, so I did an IMDB search for actors born in 1979, and in skimming the first few dozen names, three jumped out at me: Rosario Dawson, Noomi Rapace, and

I’m a little late on this, but just wanted to salute whoever it was that wrote the headline about “12 Baby Butterfaces You Won’t Believe!”

I just googled Thanoscopter. Two things:

I agree. Cut that sweet summer child a little slack.

That reminds me of a bit on the Colbert Report about that One Direction song:

Especially for a character who is explicitly called The Most Beautiful Woman In The World, come to think of it.

Hell, just getting as far as a trailer is oddly inspiring.