Skippy Marmoset

I sort of like the one for the Princess Bride. I mean, it actually does fit the character:

It also makes it sound like he thinks “ass” is a plural noun, though somehow that kind of makes sense in Tarantino’s world.

She is staggeringly awful, and it will be her fault if there really is a Bastille Day 2.0.

I think overexposing Jeff Goldblum is probably not possible, but the internet seems hellbent on proving me wrong.

Yeah, it’s been a while since I’ve seen it, but I’d bet the part least likely to hold up would probably be the portrayal of Faye, the captain’s lunatic ex-wife.

Oh man, I forgot about Murder One. You’re right, there was a major drop in quality after the first season, but that season was outstanding, and WAY ahead of its time.

I love Hill Street dearly, but that Irish gang in the Lucky the Leprechaun hats is one unintentional joke that never, ever gets old.

That, and also Tobias meeting Carl Weathers at Burger King:

Well shit. I guess it’s time to find a new avatar.

No question, they chose wisely.

I just want to say: One of the greatest blessings of my life was seeing the Charlize Theron episodes on the air as they came out, and having no idea where they were going with it in advance.

“Yeah, and that is nice, but this time it’s not enough.”

Yeah, it was crazy dark, but pretty great. The more I think about it, the more Lydia’s dying makes sense as an ending (though it’s absolutely for the best they didn’t go that way.)

“Owed” in the sense of our half of a transaction, I agree with you. But I’ll stand by it in the sense that we should gratefully trust in and give love to God, “who is all-good and deserving of all our love”. Which was my main point in that argument with the old lady from my church, come to think of it.

I’m Catholic, and the above clips were the first time I’ve seen any parts of it other than the trailer. A week or two after it came out, a woman from my church was appalled that I hadn’t seen it yet. She told me, “I think every Christian owes it to our Lord and Savior to watch that movie and see what he suffered

This seems like one of those ideas that has no middle ground; it can either be great or (much more likely) just astoundingly terrible. Waititi knows his business, and I want to believe he can make this work, but...

Congratulations, kids. Godspeed!

I was also genuinely wondering how many of those words he even understands. “elderly neighbor sits centurion watching Bob with surreptitious soupcon” is so bad, it doesn’t even pass the Turing Test.

I will say that confidence in my own writing has soared since first reading these excerpts. This may be a hilariously low bar, but I can honestly say I’m a much better writer than Sean Penn.

My wife and I just finished Breaking Bad about a month ago. I liked it, and I can’t think of a show with a more perfect ending, but it wasn’t the religious experience I’ve been brought to expect.