Skippy Marmoset

Congratulations, kids. Godspeed!

I was also genuinely wondering how many of those words he even understands. “elderly neighbor sits centurion watching Bob with surreptitious soupcon” is so bad, it doesn’t even pass the Turing Test.

I will say that confidence in my own writing has soared since first reading these excerpts. This may be a hilariously low bar, but I can honestly say I’m a much better writer than Sean Penn.

My wife and I just finished Breaking Bad about a month ago. I liked it, and I can’t think of a show with a more perfect ending, but it wasn’t the religious experience I’ve been brought to expect.

I haven’t seen Batman Returns since it was new, but I hated it so much at the time. After reading these columns, I’m dying to rewatch both of Burton’s Batman movies.

True, it is infinitely better than the other one, but still. Come to think of it, does a nuclear scientist who’s not that clear on how to pronounce “nuclear” count as a joke?

Woo hoo!!! An AV Club no-prize for me!

In all fairness, it was actually for two terrible jokes:

Jude Thaddeus is the patron saint of hopeless cases, and I heard once that it’s because he was so often confused with the other Judas that he’d answer any prayer because he was getting so few requests for his intercession.

It actually took me a minute to realize that image wasn’t from a game.

She also was pretty damn good as Anne Boleyn, for what it’s worth.

So This Is What It’s Come To, Internet!

Now playing

I’d argue that Peak Wes Anderson will be when this becomes reality:

I really like Wes Anderson, and I don’t doubt this is good. But I just can’t do it; the dead eyes on those dogs creep the shit out of me.

I didn’t really like Final Crisis, but I should check out Morrison’s other two, thanks.

I regret that I can only upvote this once.

Yeah, I have very mixed feelings about this. The New Gods are one of my favorite things in the world, and I have a lot of faith in Ava Duvernay. But then again, it’s just so big and so damn weird that I’m not sure how it would even work as a movie, and as you said there are a LOT of greats who have tried and failed.

Too soon.

This article left out the part where he apparently learned wing chun after being “obsessed” by seeing Ip Man.

Ha, I never made that connection with Kalibak and Highfather’s hair. But no, the trade was always Orion for Scott. Kalibak and Orion were biologically brothers but raised on opposing sides.