Skippy Marmoset

I’m not entirely joking when I vote for Ed Asner, but yeah, Margo Martindale was pretty much born to play Granny.

Seriously, the forklift song was what made me fall in love with that show.

Forgive me for not remembering, but which one has “He tried to kill me with a forklift”? That was the very first one I ever saw, way back in the day, and I don’t think I’ve seen it since.

I’m not likely to watch either season, but I do have to say that the guy on the left does indeed look like someone who would wear a fedora and pocketwatch to high school.

My friends, back in the day, liked to have a “by the cover” night where they would pick out videos they’d never heard of, trying to guess the  likelihood that there would be nudity based only on the title and cover art.

Now playing

If Howie Mandel in Little Monsters gave anyone nightmares, that’s only because they stopped watching before the Frank Whaley nightmares could kick in:

Frank has probably done more (and worse) evil deeds to get them to where they are, but when push comes to shove she’s at least as ruthless as he is. Even so, it might be nice to see one of them actually use a bit of that power they’ve been so relentlessly gathering.

I read somewhere the suggestion that the first shot of next season should be Claire standing over his grave and smirking, and now that’s literally the only way I can imagine it going from here.

Good lord, I expected those to be bad, but wow!

Didn’t Dream team up with the Grant Morrison-era JLA at one point?

Wait, back up a second. Where exactly did that line come from?

Was any of that stuff any good? I love Sandman, but with the possible exception of the Death books none of those spinoffs ever looked remotely interesting to me.

Sweet Mother of Preston Tucker, how I miss that show!

What, is she funny or something?

The fingers-in-the-cigar-cutter bit stuck with me for a loooong time. It was years before I could appreciate the rest of the movie.

I see your point, but somehow it just seems unnatural to have an Aunt May who isn’t like 120 years old.

Let’s not forget when Dafoe crashes his glider through the wall during Aunt May’s bedtime prayers.

I thought the same thing; emo Parker (whatever his faults may be) is a Sam Raimi character to the core.

Ha, I never knew that he did The Quick and the Dead, though every single thing in that clip basically screams “Sam Raimi made this”.

Campbell would have been fantastic in this. It’s a shame that he was never a bigger star than he is, but I’m especially surprised that he never really got a good superhero role.