Skippy Marmoset

I always forget how amazing the pink elephant scene is. I could watch that all day.

I’d argue that Spawn was the best we could do in 1997, but yeah, either way that is an astoundingly low bar.

Sounds about right, except I’d say 1997=Spawn.

As I said elsewhere in here, I was actually a fan of hers once upon a time. She used to be a highly likeable mommy blogger /newspaper columnist here in St. Louis.  Soon after the Post-Dispatch fired her, she co-founded the local Tea Party, and her views seem to have been on a pretty steady progression ever since.

Strangely, I remember when Dana Loesch was a popular newspaper columnist here in St. Louis. All her work seems to have disappeared from the Post-Dispatch website, but in 2006-2008 she wrote Mamalogues, a fairly standard (and usually pretty funny) column about parenting.

As a proud St. Louisan/Cardinals fan, it’s to our lasting shame that Dana Loesch is one of us.

“Gon Zolo?”

Yeah, I really don’t think it proves anything that when she walks into the room, his face lights up like a Christmas tree and he immediately says she looks amazing. I’m not saying it disproves anything, but who wouldn’t have that reaction?

Strictly speaking, it’s a 100+ year old getting a high school boner and simultaneously wrestling with the primal urge to tear her limb from limb and literally eat her alive in front of their chemistry class.

Fair point.

Also, Snyder apparently didn’t get how accidentally setting off the flamethrower was a joke. But then again, I just re-watched that clip and wondered if Laurie was really aiming for the hilariously dong-shaped missile on the button next to it.

Now playing

If you see any 15 seconds of the Twilight movies, you really should make it the start of this clip:

I’m just here to applaud IV on the line “...back when the star still did most of his own standing” 

Yeah, it’s been a while since I saw any of his work, but this is... not what I remembered.

Also: Professor Xavier is, in fact, a jerk.

The title alone made this the high point of my afternoon. Bless you O’Neal.

Yeah, the guy with the toilet seat on his face can only be Shatterstar.

Bishop was my first thought.

Thank you, it’s been way too long since I saw an episode of Yacht Rock.

I laughed at that. Have a star, for all the good it does now.