Skippy Marmoset

"There's a lot of wisdom in these hills…"
—Ma Beagle, I hope

I feel your pain.

Some Native Americans believed that if you take a photograph of Steve Bannon, the camera would steal your soul.

Or just, you know, "tentacle" and "porn". I'm sure as hell not going to test it, but I have to believe that would bring up all sorts of "proof".

Yeah, if there's any hero who should keep their long hair inside the mask, it's probably her. After she's done snikt-ing, it's going to going to take forever to wash out all the bad guy bits.

Not since he sued them over the lady who burned herself on Rock N Roll Coffee.

Do what?

Years ago, there was a guy who advertised on the radio as the "Rock and Roll Lawyer" because he was a "cool guy" who helped people charged with "rock and roll" crimes: DUIs, minor drug possession, public urination, misdemeanor assault, statutory rape, etc. It was just about the most astoundingly sleazy thing I have

I agree, there's also the fact that she basically murders Ludendorff, mistakenly thinking he was someone else.

It is an entertaining group — I have a soft spot for Quentin, and Colossus is an old favorite of mine. I know very little about Hope, except that she was raised by Cable, and so I really like that she clearly paid very close attention to whatever he taught her.

Daredevil - I felt the need to know the whole story of how almost all of Waid's run was wiped away. Now that I do, I'm ok with not reading Daredevil again for a while.

Taylor? He just looks… rough. Maybe not Andrew Jackson rough, but still.

Young Hayes surprised me. I had no idea there was an actual face behind that beard!

That list claims that James K. Polk, our only mulleted president, was our second most attractive president, and that Chester A. Arthur, the patron saint of sideburns, was second least attractive. I honestly don't know what to do with either of these statements.

My personal favorite!

One of my earliest memories was on my preschool's playground, circa 1983: A bunch of kids running around, calling the jungle gym "the Falcon" and arguing over who was Luke and who was Han.

Guy Ritchie's version of, say, Macbeth could actually be really, really interesting. My only concern is that he would probably feel the need to Ritchie-fy the dialogue, which would be the worst thing ever.

There are a lot of stories where the Guy Ritchie Version could be interesting. King Arthur is absolutely not one of them.

In fairness, they were a lot more realistic than a lot of people. I remember seeing a huffpo article about a week before the election, tearing Silver a new one because he had Trump's odds at 25-30% when they thought anything in double digits was way too generous.

Every time I see Sean Spicer or Kellyanne Conway on tv, I wonder if this is the day that the words "some light treason" will come out of their mouth.