My lyrics are bottomless
My lyrics are bottomless
Neither did I, but apparently it's ruined a whole generation.
I just wanted to say that Conway Tweety is a beautiful name, and I'm surprised I hadn't seen it here before.
Apparently his name is now Chinese George.
Mine (Ann Wagner), who celebrated her yes vote by cheering "Freeeedom!" into a C-Span camera, has been avoiding town halls for so long that a group of voters organized one and then invited her. She (of course) didn't attend, but was nice enough to put out a press release as it was still happening, calling the people…
Only GRANNY can teach.
WHAT THE WHAT!?!? Thats amazing!
Heh, yeah that sounds about right, but that's a tall order. I don't think there has ever been a character more specifically tailored to one artist's style than Warlock.
I've never gotten around to Hickman's Avengers books, but his Manhattan Projects is pretty good.
If there's no ridiculous fake Scottish accent, it's just not Wolfsbane!
Her ongoing hatred for the "X-Babies" was somehow way more entertaining than it should have been.
The Church of Crazy Scottish Stereotypes, as I recall.
Ach, laddie, but can Maisie Williams talk like a wee bonny Claremont character?
I tend to think that it should be illegal for anyone but Bill Sienkiewicz to draw Warlock. I can't even imagine how that will work in live action.
Bannon loves taking people out on yachts since, you know….The Implication.
You don't tell me what to do, AV Club!
Good lord, I miss that show.
holy shit.
I don't know, everything interesting about Arthur is based on him NOT being just another petty warlord sweeping into the power vacuum left by the fall of Rome, which seems to be how most takes like that go.
Using a setting that actually looks like the 5th Century is actually a really interesting idea. But everything that makes King Arthur interesting can be pretty easily stripped out if you "realistically" make him just another petty warlord, which is what most takes like that seem to do.