Someday, I really want to read a comic where "Martha" is the name of his favorite grappling hook or something. It's like his Rosebud.
Someday, I really want to read a comic where "Martha" is the name of his favorite grappling hook or something. It's like his Rosebud.
It's been a while, but it wasn't made explicit, it was awfully heavily implied that he and Jezebel had. And at least as strongly implied with Bruce and Selina in Batman Inc, I think.
I agree - adding sex is a really easy (usually lazy) way to make something seem more "mature" than it really is. That said, this comic actually sounds pretty interesting, and Oliver does a fantastic job of using this and New 52 Catwoman to illustrate the right/wrong way to do it.
I love Astro City. Now that you mention it, I think there were some relatively explicit panels in the last Quarrel/Crackerjack story, but nothing all that racy.
Lord, I hope so.
I hate big crossover events as a rule, but I've been meaning to give Darkseid War a try, mostly because I'm a sucker for just about anything New Gods-related.
"I am the Night. I live in the shadows that… What the hell?"
That would be awesome. I want to see their characters grow old in separate bedrooms together.
I liked the Rise of the Lycans prequel, but mostly because I saw it soon after Michael Sheen's guest appearances on 30 Rock. Waiting for the sexy werewolf lord to yell "Gangway for velocipede!!!" added a whole other layer of enjoyment.
…It's monday morning, and I came back because I wanted to know if this was still going.
Last night, they argued about the meaning of life. One thought it was "the opposite of the meaning of death", and the other thought it was 42.
That's genuinely terrifying, but if we're being honest, that's probably not the robots' fault.
I do! Never noticed the resemblance to the Witch of the East before, though.
It would not surprise me!
My new favorite:
After a couple minutes of reciting Katy Perry's "Firework" lyrics:
How long have they been at this now?
Ha, pretty much. Seriously, though, did you ever put two of those things in the same room? My brother had a Furby, and it was never the same after it had a conversation with my cousin's furby.
Now they're reciting Bohemian Rhapsody.
This part just repeated, partially: