Skippy Marmoset

Ha, one just asked the other if it was Catholic, and it answered "No, I am not a cat. Are you?"

You joke, but would it really surprise you if that worked?

That sounds awesome, actually. Tarsem Singh's Baron Munchausen would be the good kind of ridiculous. But this… Someone really needs to help him pick his scripts.

Singh's track record is not great, but he sure knows how to make them purdy.

Exactly. They are just about the least dark-and-gritty thing ever written.

And only seen from the knees down.

Definitely. I've been making the transition to trades for a while now, since they're easier to store and far better for re-reading. Also, I've noticed it's made me a little more selective about what I want to read, which is probably something I needed.

I love milk, and drink a lot of it, but I'll admit that seeing Ron Burgundy or the McPoyles walking around in public with it is… unsettling, for some reason.

Ulik the Troll?

I kinda liked the first two, but good lord that 3rd one.

That is good to hear about the writer. A slightly darker and more Hulk-ish She-Hulk isn't a bad idea, but its something that could so easily go very wrong. Fingers crossed.

I'm also trying to stay cautiously optimistic about that, so I probably shouldn't ask this, but what the hell: What is Jen's deal in this new series? Is it seriously PTSD from Civil War II?

Slightly off topic, but God bless you for "Fan Favorite Brian Michael Bendis".

Speaking of non-American versions of Superman, this seems like a good time to recommend my new favorite webcomic: "Kahlil" by Kumail Rizvi. It's basically Superman, but set in present-day Pakistan. Rizvi's art is a little spotty in places, but overall it's pretty damn good.

Finally, though, he has a reason to dust off that American flag with a hole in it that he used to wear like a poncho.

As if the list of things to dislike wasn't long enough already.

Ms Marvel 13 - aka Kamala Versus the Gerrymander. It was fun, well done as always, and profoundly depressing in light of the past month.

Oh dear. Is that supposed to be him in the photo above? I was making a joke before, but he honestly does look like a cadaver.

I'm afraid to ask, but since you've seen the movie: what's with the photo at the top of that section? It looks like Zombie Andrew Jackson attending his own funeral.

My favorite was the episode of 30 Rock where Matt Damon tells Lemon all about "sky law".