Skippy Marmoset

For a second, that is what I thought that headline meant. Seriously, it's not a bad idea, they could spend the whole thing fighting stuff down in the sewers: Rat King, Leatherhead, etc.

They forgot to mention that feminists have been "militant" since (at least) 1914.

Maybe women voted to make him be pregnant?

I'll take the 3/3 slot, though I haven't decided what to do yet.

I guess I was thinking that (a)he's out of there, and (b) he didn't end up betraying absolutely everything he stood for, like Primus and Tigorr.

Yep, and everyone else in that system is precisely where they started, the only real change being their oppressor's.

Pretty much, though it's hard to imagine how this could have turned out differently, and as @mistersplendiferous:disqus said, at least Kyle stayed true to himself and his principles

I haven't read a lot of stuff with Kyle in it, so I was wondering that about his religion. Also, is he Hispanic? I was a little surprised that he switches off between Spanish and English when he says the Guardian Angel prayer.

I'd vote for either that or Nextwave.

Good luck with your move!

I'm reading this one in trades, so I can't read the column this week (sorry Oliver) but man I cannot wait for this one.

My research into Mt. Rushmore and its relationship to Fort McHenry suggests that you're right!
*exit, pursued by homicidal albino park ranger*

Can't argue with that, but even so I'm surprised Trump himself hasn't told us that he's awesome enough to somehow build a wall on top of a river.

Well, that's why the wall will have to float, of course!

Agreed. It was weird as hell, but I loved it so much.

Considering that half the US/Mexico border is a river, I'm actually a little surprised that floating walls haven't come up in this election (yet).

I really need to check out Sheriff of Babylon, since Vision and Omega Men are both incredible. I saw somewhere on Twitter that King referred to the 3 books as his "Trilogy of Good Intentions", which (if sheriff is at all like the other two) is a perfect name.

That is the worst idea I've heard in ages, but there's a tiny chance that it might be weird and dumb enough to work.

I second that about AC, it's one of my all-time favorites and Busiek has been on a roll lately.

Nice, I'll have to look that one up. I had no idea how it ended, since I think my parents made me go to bed after the first few minutes.