
That would be Elway you’re thinking of.

Well, technically, I think it “blew the fuck up.”

He should go hunting with Cheney.

“Well, I believe in the soul, the cock, the pussy, the small of a woman’s back, the hanging curve ball, high fiber, good scotch, that the novels of Susan Sontag are self-indulgent, overrated crap. I believe Lee Harvey Oswald acted alone. I believe there ought to be a constitutional amendment outlawing Astroturf and

Is that even a theory? It was pretty obvious to me, even when it was happening, that Jordan wasn’t taking some time off basketball to fuck around in the minor leagues (with a team owned by the same man who owned the Bulls) and risk a career ending injury.

You do realize cell towers are basically line-of-sight communications? If you can see it, within power parameters, you can connect to it and make a call. The reason they require cell phones to be off in the air, aside from the risk of interfering with various aircraft systems, is that one phone can see many towers and

Of course a goal or two on the ice would also earn Cromartie a puck-bunny after the game.

Nothing but amputee porn:
It’s all half off.

Oddly enough, though, Trey and Bryce also jacked a car and completed a string of strong arm robberies.

In this instance you’ll want to keep ice on your stick.

He kicked the bucket, does that count?

It should be legal to jam a screwdriver through the eye of any human ever using the term “on fleek”

Yup. I made pizza dough with a Freetail Soul Doubt IPA and you could really taste the resiny hop flavor in the crust.
Going to try again using a Freetail Ale Amber, instead.

One that then burns it to the ground for the insurance money?

The dogs should be allowed to eat the kid to protect their territory.

That’s the last time I’ll loan my Mustang to a Smurf porn shoot.

I’d pay good money to see The Forehead pop Eli right in the pills. Preferably on the field after a game or maybe at his Hall of Fame induction.

what’s the story on the guy at 14seconds into that clip?
Full on smack into the bollard. Who was that and did he survive?

“Hey! It’s Enriqo Pallazo!”

That would have been Shannon Sharpe, not Sterling.