
I lived in Denver in that time frame and had a coworker who was a life-long Red Wings fan. Jeeze the whining and bitching that came from him the whole freaking time...
I shudder to think how much he’d have bitched if McCarty HADN’T turned his back on that hit.

And again, San Antonio is in that sweet spot!

Actually, San Antonio is the 7th largest metro area in the US. The idiots in SA government keep throwing money at the NFL and whatever owners happen to wander through trying to get them to come here.

It’s for poking people in the eye when they’re walking around the aircraft and not paying attention.

Just think of it, rNASCAR (robotNASCAR) has cyber-stock cars battling it out on the track then knock-down/drag-out robot brawls in the pits after the race.

could this possibly be used for bike testing for MotoGP or other series?
The real riders will still have to get plenty of seat time but if the team can use Robo-Squid(tm) there to work the bugs out of the bike in development or test prototype changes then they can save time and cash, right?

So that’s what my ex-mil co-workers mean when they refer to “All those tactical weinies.”

Currently humming the theme song from “SWAT” at full volume...

A body guy my Dad parntered with in the 80's belonged to a hotrod club (he had a gorgeous 48 Dodge Sedan chopped and lowered.) They would do picnic runs a couple times a year, in which each member would place raw ingredients wrapped in foil on their manifold and they would drive till everything was cooked and have a

That will make the stoplight t0 stoplight runs more interesting for my commute.

Fuckin’ A, man!

You forgot a meteorite hits the stadium, killing everybody.
Except in the case of a Steelers/Browns game in which that is a positive.

“No. Okay, it’s a little weird. But we all have strange memory quirks. Proust fondly remembered baked goods; you remember an old man’s bowel movements. Not that different!”
Poop-boy needs therapy, stat!

Sprained ligaments, broken shoulder, partial paralysis, brain death.
Jerry says suit ‘em up!

Cops in the US have killed how many people in the last 5yrs, but both of these idiots remain un-shot?
Geeze. At least taze ‘em till they piss themselves on the asphalt, officer.

Every time I see one of these Kia SUV things my first (and only) response is :Hey, South Korea has Google Maps and they discovered there are towns smaller than Phoenix and Denver in the Southwest.
TL;DR Please stop naming shitty vehicles after towns in the Southwest.

Hey, what’s a racist’s favorite donut?
White Powdered!

Clear and a variety of shades of brown.

That’s no Snowy Owl, that’s the shockingly rare Interstate Owl.

I don’t know if it’s an official old-school term or something more tied to the “resurgance of artisanal distilling”. In my neck of the woods (San Antonio, Tx) we have these guys making good beer and good whiskey of all colors, but here are their “whites”