Hell, now Gawker could hire him to write them up himself. Give the bastard a hot meal a week and they’d have daily columns.
Hell, now Gawker could hire him to write them up himself. Give the bastard a hot meal a week and they’d have daily columns.
My wife loves the hell out of Osweiller. She’d be dancing a little jig of joy while putting the #17 jersey on the the dog for the game.
To be fair, the jersey is my fault though. I bought it for her at the beginning of the season from an, ahem, “Official Denver Bronco Jersey” website and it was sized for a 11yr old…
But watching Pete Carroll humiliated on national TV IS one of the high spots for me
White Whiskey is the term you’re looking for.
We all know the major sports-bribe money in Austin goes to UT recruits. What’s left over goes toward Franklin’s BBQ, ACL passes and hookers.
Do ya think he’s one’a them effete snobs what BUY a tent cart?
No way! Jim’s a good, salt o’ the earth guy; a One Of Us guy who knows, not thinks mind ya; KNOWS, the best tent carts are discovered while rooting around the storm drains downstream from the nicer shopping centers.
Well, in my case I ended up marrying her.
Ok I’m 100% in favor of LW making the Hall, but I had to look up that reference.
Good one!
I’ll grab my sunday go-t0-meetin’ camo and swing by the Academy to pick up ammo fer my scattergun.
Larry Walker for HoF!
If karma is real, it’ll get rear-ended by Range Rover.
Nice job by the ground guide there. I hope that pilot got out and kicked his vodka-soaked butt.
in ‘98 I was working for a company that handled the back-haul from pretty much all the pro sports venues. I was stuck on the bridge the night of the All-Star game at Coors Field so arranged to have the feed from Coors sent to my ops area to watch the home run derby. This was the year that Griffy Jr. was the flavor of…
80% of my goofball border collie/buffalo mix’s food is organic, non-allergenic and/or prescription. The other 20% is cat poop, barf, grass and random things she grabs off the ground while we’re walking in the park.
From the bottom of my heart, fuck Mikey Pizza with his own gay-porn ‘stache.