

I agree that these simpletons aren’t the threat to democracy that they think they want to be. That doesn’t mean that we should allow them to cosplay Alabama Militia Day on public property, though.
I think this would be a good time to delay the retirement of a couple warthogs and:

My wife doesn’t get hangry, she goes straight to hitchy.

I trust you can source that douche-shirt. I figure you should have a wardrobe full of ‘em, right? You wear them while driving your br0-truck and whining about “them”.

That’s two different towns and Santa Fe has an awful lot of good food but that one’s my favorite for a lot of reasons. So far as the Owl, that’s in San Antonio but the rest of your bitching isn’t even close. I’m likely older and obviously wiser than you with definitely better tastes in food but hey, you’re the one

Unfortunately, yes. I live a couple miles from there and used to commute right past it to work every morning. I also have spent too much time in New Mexico to really think any tex-mex is all that worthwhile. Give me a green chile cheeseburger from the Owl or an enchilada plate with Sopapillas from Tomasita’s over

There’s better tex-mex, even in SA, than Chacho’s. Heck, the freezer section of the nearest HEB has better tex-mex than that place.

Yeah, but at Chacho’s if the grease and rancid cheese doesn’t kill you, getting caught between rival gang-bangers will.