Don't sell yourself short. Communally shitting with gay people is actually very progressive.
Don't sell yourself short. Communally shitting with gay people is actually very progressive.
But we're speaking in generalities here. Scene to scene differences would apply in the metal world too.
"Still, go to a metal show rock concert and the majority of attendees will likely be straight white dudes"
It says no such thing. From an engineering standpoint there is no difference between incoming and outgoing calls.
I said that. But nobody is *that* together is the point. I'm not quite sure why this is such a sticking point. I'm guessing even the author would agree that he made the protagonist preternaturally competent simply because he was interested in focusing on the aspects of the story other than his psychological turmoil.
I think that just reinforces the point though. If you're stuck on Mars by yourself for a year enduring one calamity after another and you manage to keep your daily log completely official, to-the-point, jocular, and free of personal drama then you are one seriously together motherfucker.
To be clear, I didn't even really find this a particularly strong weakness in the book or anything. It was just that by the end when the 357th went wrong for him I couldn't help but reflect on the fact that I lose my shit if a red light lasts longer than i think it should.
Well, now I'm definitely seeing it in IMAX!
Haven't seen the movie yet, but your comment regarding his sanity is also an issue in the book (which I still absolutely loved). Astronauts are obviously screened to be way better than average at dealing with adversity, but Buddha himself would have been hard pressed to remain as calm in similar circumstances.
Are you an atheist or an agnostic regarding Zeuss, Jupiter, Odin, the Flying Spaghetti monster, or the myriad of mountain/animal/whatever gods worshipped by various tribes around the world?
I would say you very much made the right decision. It's the kind of show that makes you retroactively angry that you wasted your time on it. McNutty and Tierney are great, but the show goes off the rails around the midpoint by completely abandoning any pretense of reality in the differing memories conceit, and by…
This is key. When it's just a case of someone generically trolling a website or discussion board it's often best to just ignore it (since disrupting the conversation and drawing attention to oneself is presumably the main goal anyway).
I had the same thing happen in terms of getting a bit burnt out on him.
I absolutely loved that first album (especially the guitar) and for the longest time I assumed the lead singer was a woman. I mean, he sounds like Janice Joplin and the liner notes said "Shannon" - seemed pretty clear cut. Must have been the 'bee' video that finally clued me in.
I agree it's definitely not as bad as Frank's Brother which is far and away the worst. But it is the only other episode that I'm not excited to see show up when I tune in to a re-run.
I'm completely baffled at how they manage to go to the child molestation well so often without it going sour.
I love "pooped" until the last act with Artemis where it suddenly gets sort of tedious. And I generally love Artemis.
For the longest time I would put on old Simpsons (Seasons 1-10) or Seinfeld as my tv comfort foods (I'd be embarassed to say just how many times I've watched every damn episode of each).
Perhaps I just don't understand the full arsenal of what b-boys/girls have to offer, but at least in Burim and Asaf's case it seems like the only time they're really "in their element" is when they're on the floor spinning around in some way. They don't appear to have much interest or ability to do anything of note…
Good point. And it also occurred to me that they might be more sensitive to the optics as well. Consider me convinced.