Hubert Humphrey

I'd actually expect a medical doctor to be more likely to drink a glass of wine since they're more likely to know the actual data (that a few sips of wine here and there isn't at all a problem) rather than just the baseless moral outrage (that a single sip of wine will in all likelihood doom your child to a life of

'Asshole' doesn't quite feel right to me for Seinfeld. I'd go with something more along the lines of "smug jerk".


You're not acting hard enough!!

I can't claim to really hear it myself, but Collins is a bit of a drummer's drummer. Talk to someone who plays the drums and they're likely to think pretty highly of him.

If Wes Anderson ever makes a movie with a ballet choreographer character, his name will be Benoit Swan Pouffer.

In the commentary for the episode, I think it's Al Jean who says something like "They were all really great guys and easy to work with. Except for one guy I won't name except to say it rhymes with "Manseco".

Unless you're a true gear head or are deeply in love with the specific nuances of the sound of a Marshall*, the Blackstar is nearly as good for half the price.

List does not deliver.

My New Heroes:

I've liked her in pretty much everything I've seen her in since (especially Sunny) but I just didn't really care much for her on SNL. When I think of why I gave up watching SNL during my teens, that recurring Sweeney Sisters sketch is the first thing that comes to mind. I just remember not understanding how there

There are plenty of ways of hating songs that don't involve obsessing about how cool you are for hating them. That's the high school angle.

Yeah, I'm genuinely surprised at how many successful, grown, adults in this column never seem to have outgrown that high school level phenomenon of defining themselves by what they don't like.

Wow, that's sort of weirdly awesome (vocals aside anyway, but Black Metal vocals are generally lost on me so that's not specific to him).

I can't actually swear to remembering it canned on Chopped and may be mixing it up with other shows. But whenever I'd seen it used previously on TV it had been canned and presented so as to emphasize it's weirdness/grossness.

I've always thought huitlacoche looked like a truly out-there and, frankly, gross food.

I didn't see the episode, and it does sound dire, but I have to admit that reading "Jabba the Tiki Hutt" made me laugh.

I'm glad. Upon re-read I feared that I had slid too much into boring lecture territory.

"What if Sarah had found a smoking gun"

It's actually not really that relevant. The upshot to all of the research on memory as it relates to the criminal justice system is that memories are not fixed at the time of initial encoding - they are hugely malleable and ever changing. Much of what becomes our "memory" of an event gets added well after the fact