Does the shark fight from Arkham City count?
Does the shark fight from Arkham City count?
PC performance in Arkham Knight.
He’s got a past where he could be dismissed as a token and a possible future where that accusation could happen again.
I am a Batman fan, but you’re not wrong
Superman is what we should all want to be. Batman is what libertarians actually want to be.
The most ridiculous exchange in The Dark Knight is when one of the vigilante guys Batman has tied up says, “What makes what we’re doing different from you?” and Batman grunt-whisper-yells back at him, “I’m not wearing hockey pads!” Yep. It’s totally different. His are really expensive hockey pads.
This is a good, relevant post.
Just saved me about $20 and a few hours.
Put it this way. Good cops, consciously nor not, try to be Superman. Bad cops think they’re Batman. “I wear this uniform so that people will be afraid of me.”
Essentially, the Hearthstone/Heroes of the Storm of fighting games.
One of the nobler parts of piracy is that it acts a preservation mechanism for old content. That and emulation are gonna be useful in the future when old physical content becomes hard to come by. I hope there will be a way to preserve flash.
I think much of the Flash business has been equally as much a brand-war problem as a technological one. Adobe certainly hasn’t helped matters, and Flash has had plenty of issues, but structurally, we’re simply going to find something else to complain about.
Its strange they despite that historical context people still haven’t learned that preserving art is important. Even if its a young medium. I bet in a few decades we’re gonna see classic games that weren’t preserved sell for a lot like old Superman comics.
It’s still a ridiculously poorly written moment. Like, does Batman really view Barbara, one of the key members of his team, as a professional victim? What, did her time as Batgirl and the fact that she’s the linchpin of his intelligence operation not change his mind?
The fact that the game immediately goes “Welp, that…
That doesn’t stop her from being a victim in the game, being captured, kidnapped, and her (apparent?) death still being used to sadden and motivate the hero.
I think it’s more about how marginalized Batgirl is in the whole Arkham series.
Something happens in Arkham Knight that puts it way up in the running for Darkest Batman Story ever.