
Few things definitely led to the failure:

I’m willing to bet they don’t.

Sony tried to go all-digital with the PSP Go and it was a disaster. We can’t for sure exactly why it failed, but many people still want to own their games.

Conan O’Brien has nothing to do with DC Comics, but it didn’t stop him from showing up in Lego Batman 3.

So let me get this straight...Lens Flare Abrams makes a cameo but not George Lucas ?

How could you lie to us and troll us like this... Oh wait no you were right all along... Carry on!

“Oh look honey it’s skip, over there, we haven’t been banned”

hilarious...we’re right here. can you reply so I can see if my account is working properly

100% this. I purchased Destiny at launch and received Battlefront as a gift at launch. These games we such incredible commercial successes, but critical failures. What I can’t understand is how the community continues to write a blank check for additional season passes, and DLC, and microtransactions, after the

No, no. Something about... how many lightbulbs does it take to screw a fanbase? Just the one. - EA, probably.

Now playing

It’s really disappointing that our consumer culture can allow a game with a poor critical reception to be a commercial success. The more we continue to buy unfinished half-assed games, the more unfinished half-assed games we’re gonna get.

I’m glad I dodged a bullet by Gameflying this instead of full-on buying it.

You forgot “but we won’t put what you want in the game you paid for, instead we’ll charge full price for a sequel that surely will have the content you feel is missing!”

No, no, you’re doing it wrong. You have say something like, “Content for final game that releases along-side the last film will be cut because VII VIII IX.”

Well if they don’t make any improvements the whole series will be Finn

It’s because 14 million people bought the game. They plan objectively worked. Cut content to make sure the game releases along side the movie to capitalize on the movie’s hype. It worked!

He should’ve just said “We wanted to see how much we could sucker Star Wars fans for, that’s why we sold a game with less content than average at full price and then sold tons of DLC on top of that. We more or less got away with it”

They were too Poe to afford any more features.

The folks running EA agree, and they say they plan to add more content when the next one comes along.

Think about it this way a movie makes $300 million, but cost $225 million. Of course it took 6 months to actually shoot, film, and edit months more to market, paid vendors, and other costs. Then all is said and done after taxes your studio gets $20 million in the bank. That’s a profit sure, but was it a really good