
Uhm someone should file counter charges against the US for espionage then. Echelon and others, heck even cases of espionage uncovered in the Wikileaks docs, are only the tip of the iceberg. But of course it is OK if the US does it to give its corporations an unfair advantage on the international market, right? This is

Awesome! Perfect Launch! Congrats SpaceX!

Well, I guess that's one way of doing it...

I often use it in games to turn "always run" on and off.

Good luck to Elon and SpaceX! A lot depends on their success today. All the haters of commercial spaceflight would use a failure of this launch against it. So it has to be a success. Talk about pressure.

So Wikileaks publishing documents about the US spying on other nations, the UN etc is a crime, but the US using its network of spies to commit corporate espionage to give US companies an unfair advantage (read up on project Echelon), is free to do so?

Sounds like jazz ;)

I guess it is not smart enough yet to find itself an alternative route to the target if the original one is blocked by an obstacle.

Ok, please excuse me, but how do you buy the right to somebody who is dead? And who do you buy it from?

This is really interesting!

From what I could see the Wikileaks leaks did not really reveal anything groundbreakingly new about what the US citizens/politicians/opinionmakers, etc think about the rest of the world.

Actually the paper has already been critizised for its methodology and its interpretation of statistics (a very bendable thing) by several sceptics and analysts.

"Recall that before magnetic storage there was no way to store sound other than by pressing a record or making a piano roll"

And it would have prevented jailbreaking, I guess...