
I could not agree less with this article. I hate track pads. I absolutely hate them. I always have a mouse for my laptops with me. But maybe it is because I am doing more with my computers than just browsing the web and playing facebook games.

Constellation was stupid programme designed to keep the space shuttle money flowing to the same states and the same companies. The SLS now is the same thing.

I think that this is a horrible mistake and I doubt that it will be a big success. At that price the hardware specs would have to be exceptionally high, which is unlikely given the formfactor...

Funny, my parents had that same thing in the 70ies...

Uhm, how about the moon video tapes that they lost? That was not a problem. But these scribblings are? Sorry, but NASA once again proofs that they are dicks.

The problem that I see with this, is that the senders probably dont care and never check whether their emails actually bounce back or not. They have their lists and hammer those via botnets, etc and dont give a darn about what comes back. No, the best way would be to go after those that use these spamming services for

Skinner, eh?

Last time I checked, HP was perfectly profitable. That was before the whole "get out of the PC- market" idiocy though.

And in the same breath they complain about censorship of the internet in China...

Hmm, I think the numbers are wrong.

Own the Marathon and I am very happy with it.

YUCK! Guys, wash your jeans!

The vaccination was probably for smallpox not chicken pox?

They wont need that much propulsion for the powered landing. An empty rocket stage is very bouyant and only weights a fraction of the takeoff weght. So the atmosphere is going to do most of the slow down for you. All you have to do with the engines is steer and do the final slowdown from terminal velocity to

Regarding the machine gunning. It seems highly doubtable. Nothing of the like was mentioned in the loggs of the U 101 and KK Mergensen himself saved at least one survivor from a torpedoed ship after the order was given by Hitler to not do that anymore (after the Laconia incident).

Actually the name rare earths minerals is missleading. They are not THAT rare and there are mines all over the world, even in California. Most of these mines were closed though, when China underbid everybody else on the market making the mines not profitable. When China decided to raise the price in order to keep more

Bahhh, that would have looked cooler if it had been rendered with our software ;)

The mexican government is a failure! They should be dissolved. They are clearly not in control anymore. It is at this point that the military should take over, instigate martial law and clean up the mess. There is no other way.

The German Panzerfaust was actually widely used in WW2 already. Unfortunately it was not very effective against the Russian heavy tanks why it was dubbed the "Panzeranklopfgerät" (tank door knocker) by its unfortunate users ;)