
And SpaceX is only one of several commercial space supplyers. There are also Boeing, Blue Origin and SNC. They all only get paid if they meet their milestones. Meanwhile Orion has had billions of cost overruns and the SLS will cost several more billions and currently is not scheduled to launch with a crew until 2021

Let me add that I find it quite amazing that after so many years of discussion on the topic on many space/tech related sites even a tech site like this is so ill informed to write something like that.

Actually, it most likely wont be the first. Not even by a long shot. Unless the funding for commercial crew gets dried out completely in order to fund the SLS- abomination, we will see commercial launch vehicles and space craft transporting US citizens into space starting 2015.

Science has nothing to do with faith. Scientific papers are usually published in so called peer reviewed magazines and other means of publications (today often online). Peer reviewed means that other experts in the field have also reviewed the data, tried to reproduce experiments and questioned the conclusions drawn

Duh, now you changed it ;)

The photograph is not of an F16.

Ahh, the good thing is that in Austria, there are laws against you being entered into a database without your consent. This is actually a misdemeanour and finable with prison or a at least 10,000 Euros in fines. So really all you have to do to get them to comply with your request of removal is that you will report

>>or dark of the Moon

Actually, since there is no atmosphere on the moon, cooling things is the hardest thing to do. You can only radiate heat off, which is a slow process. So the pee would not instantly freeze, not even when if you were in a shadow or the side of the moon that is currently in the dark. Yes temperatures there are very

Actually I read that much of the trauma is actually caused by shockwaves of explosions or cannons hitting the brain. Not so much a psychological problem, but more a physical one. Gotta look up that paper. It was quite conclusive.

I am not in the least worried. IMHO both nuclear tests that NK has done so far were just fissles. That means that NK has not even tested a functioning warhead yet.

Uhm, last that was known, all of NKs nuclear tests were fissles. Even two successful nuclear weapons tests do not make you a nuclear power. You need to have actual nuclear warheads for that. As we all know getting enough enriched nuclear material together to make a testable nuclear bomb is hard and it took NK quite a

Please read the nuclear survival handbook. The effects of nuclear ware have been exremely exaggerated in the 80ies, particularily. A fallout shelter, provided you stay in it long enough could protect you against the effects a nuclear weapon detonated in sufficient distance from your home. Of course there is nothing it

I completely agree! I use my computer primarily for working, not for entertainment. What they were showing was mainly entertainment and stuff you would do on a tablet, or mobile device, maybe. In fact, this is very much like Windows 7 Mobile, IMHO. Also, I do wonder how it will handle applications that do have

one more thing:

So has the number of glioma cases increased by 40% over the last 20 years? It should be more than that actually, because there are a lot of people that have a much higher usage of cellphones. So where are all the (espcially young) brain cancer patients? One would suspect the young population to fall like flies, if

Some things are perfect the way they are. Please no remake of BTTF!